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Coordinate Transformation Matrices (Windows Embedded CE 6.0)


Transformation matrices may be defined in either in IEEE 32 bit floating point values or signed 16.16 fixed point values. The default value for all matrices is the identity matrix.

World Transformation

The world transformation transforms vertices from model space to world space.

This matrix is set by calling the IDirect3DMobileDevice::SetTransform method and passing the D3DMTS_WORLD flag from the D3DMTRANSFORMSTATETYPE enumeration as well as the appropriate matrix.

For more information, see World Transformation.

View Transformation

The view transformation is used to transform vertices from world space to camera space.

This matrix is set by calling the IDirect3DMobileDevice::SetTransform method and passing the D3DMTS_VIEW flag and the appropriate matrix.

For more information, see View Transformation.

Projection Transformations

The projection transformation is used to transform vertices from camera space to projection space.

This matrix is set by calling the IDirect3DMobileDevice::Set Transform method and passing the D3DMTS_PROJECTION flag and the appropriate matrix.

For more information, see Projection Transformations.

See Also

