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Recipients Define Meeting Requests (Windows Embedded CE 6.0)


In the Outlook Object Model, you can set an Appointment's MeetingStatus property to mark it as a Meeting Request. As a result, you can create Appointment items that have a Recipient List, and yet are not Meeting Requests. This is not possible on Windows Embedded CEā€“based devices.

In the Pocket Outlook Object Model (POOM), an Appointment is a Meeting Request if it has an IRecipients collection. The IAppointment::get_MeetingStatus method returns an OlMeetingStatus enumeration value of either olNonMeeting or olMeeting.

The IRecipient::get_Address method returns a read-only version of the Recipient's e-mail address, and the IRecipient::put_Address method accesses a writable version.

In the Outlook Object Model, the same property returns a read-only version. In the Outlook Object Model, there is no writable version because there is no IPOlRecipient::Resolve method, which matches a Recipient's first and last names with Contact names in the data store.

See Also

Other Resources

Differences Between the Pocket Outlook Object Model and the Outlook Object Model
Pocket Outlook Object Model Application Development