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D3DM_GETADAPTERINFO_DATA (Windows Embedded CE 6.0)


This structure is used to describe the standard properties of a graphics device. A pointer to this structure is passed as a parameter of the D3DM_GetAdapterInfo function. The D3DM_GETINFO_DATA structure is used to provide additional information.


typedef struct _D3DM_GETADAPTERINFO_DATA {
  D3DMCAPS* pCaps;
  ULONG cDisplayMode;
  D3DMDISPLAYMODE* pDisplayMode;
  ULONG nCurrentMode;
  ULONG nFormat;
  ULONG nMultisample;
  ULONG nProfile;
  D3DMPROFILE* pProfile;
  ULONG cTotalVRam;
  ULONG cCurrentVRam;
  HRESULT rval;


  • pIdentifier
    A pointer to a D3DMADAPTER_IDENTIFIER structure containing information such as the driver's name, version, and manufacturer.
  • pCaps
    A pointer to a D3DMCAPS structure whose members values describe a Direct3D Mobile driver's capabilities.
  • cDisplayMode
    A one-based ULONG value describing the number of display modes that a driver supports. Currently, Direct3D Mobile only supports drivers with a single display mode; therefore, so this value should always be 1.
  • pDisplayMode
    A pointer to an array of D3DMDISPLAYMODE structures that is cDisplayMode elements long. Each element of the array describes the properties of one of the driver's supported display modes. The Direct3D Mobile middleware will ensure that there is sufficient memory allocated for this array.
  • nCurrentMode
    A zero-based ULONG value identifying the driver's current display mode from the modes listed in the pDisplayMode array.    Currently, Direct3D Mobile only supports drivers with a single display mode; therefore, this value should always be 0.
  • nFormat
    A one-based ULONG value identifying the number of surface formats that a driver supports.
  • pFormat
    A pointer to an array of D3DMDEVICEFORMAT structures that is nFormat elements long. Each element of the array describes the properties of one of the driver's supported formats. This includes formats for the front buffer, back buffer, texture map, vertex buffer, index buffer, depth or stencil buffer, and scratch buffer. The driver should also mark the format with the usage bits that describe what the format is useful for. Certain formats, such as index and vertex buffer formats, should only be marked with the D3DMUSAGE_LOCKABLE flag (see D3DMUSAGE Values) if appropriate. The middleware will ensure that there is sufficient memory allocated for this array.
  • nMultisample
    A one-based ULONG value identifying the number of multisampling modes that a driver supports. Even if the driver does not support any multisampling modes, this value will still be 1 because the D3DMMULTISAMPLE_NONE mode should always be supported.
  • pMultisample
    A pointer to an array of D3DMMULTISAMPLE_TYPE enumeration values that is nMultisample elements long. Each element of the array a identifies one of the driver's supported types of multisampling. D3DMMULTISAMPLE_NONE should always be supported. The Direct3D Mobile middleware will ensure that there is sufficient memory allocated for this array.
  • nProfile
    A one-based ULONG value identifying the number of profiles that the driver supports. All drivers must support the D3DMPROFILE_BASE; therefore, this value must always be at least 1.
  • pProfile
    A pointer to and array of D3DMPROFILE enumeration values that is nProfile elements long. Each element of the array identifies one of the driver's supported profiles. All drivers should support D3DMPROFILE_BASE. The Direct3D Mobile middleware will ensure that there is sufficient memory allocated for this array.
  • cTotalVRam
    A ULONG value identifying the total amount of memory available in the driver's video memory pool. This value does not include the primary display memory or the parts of the heap allocated by GDI. This value will be 0 if the device uses a shared or unified memory architecture.
  • cCurrentVRam
    A ULONG value identifying the amount of video memory currently available. This value will be 0 if the device uses a shared or unified memory architecture.
  • rval
    An HRESULT value containing an error code reported by the driver to describe any problems it encountered while trying to populate the members of this structure. If the driver did not encounter any errors, it sets this value to D3DM_OK to indicate success.


Except for rval, The Direct3D Mobile middleware can set any member of this structure to NULL prior to passing it as a parameter to D3DM_GetAdapterInfo. This tells the driver that the middleware does not need the information associated with that member; therefore, the driver does not need to spend time gathering it.


Header d3dmddk.h
Windows Embedded CE Windows CE 5.0

See Also


Direct3D Mobile Driver Structures


Additional Information from the Direct3D Mobile Driver

Other Resources