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Reminder Methods (Windows Embedded CE 6.0)


The Pocket Outlook Object Model (POOM) defines several notification options that the are not defined in the Outlook Object Model. For example, Flashing LED and Vibration. To handle this, the ReminderPlaySound Property was replaced with the more comprehensive ReminderOptions property method (IAppointment::get_ReminderOptions, IAppointment::put_ReminderOptions, ITask::get_ReminderOptions, ITask::put_ReminderOptions).

You can use a combination of OlReminderOptions constants to create compound reminder options. For example, you can have a dialog box appear and also have an LED start blinking by using the following statement:

hr = pAppt->put_ReminderOptions(olDialog | olLED);


Setting reminder options clears any options that were already set.

The ReminderOverrideDefault Property is not supported.

See Also

Other Resources

Differences Between the Pocket Outlook Object Model and the Outlook Object Model
Pocket Outlook Object Model Application Development