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LocationPluginIOCTL (Windows Embedded CE 6.0)


This function sends an IOCTL to the specified plugin DLL.


DWORD LocationPluginIOCTL(
        HLOCATION       hLocation,
        HLOCATIONPLUGIN hPlugin,
        DWORD           dwCode,
        BYTE*           pbIn,
        DWORD           cbIn,
        BYTE*           pbOut,
        DWORD*          pcbOut


  • hLocation
    A handle to the Location Framework returned from a call to LocationOpen.
  • dwCode
    IOCTL for this operation. The Location Framework defines a set of common IOCTLs that plugins may implement for consistency, but does not mandate any IOCTL to be implemented. Plugins may also implement their own custom IOCTL codes.
  • pbIn
    Pointer to a buffer that contains the data required to perform the operation.
  • cbIn
    Size, in bytes, of the buffer pointed to by pbIn.
  • pbOut
    Pointer to a buffer that receives the output data for the operation.
  • pcbOut
    On input, specifies the length of pcbOut. On output, indicates the number of bytes the plugin has written to pcbOut.

Return Value

If successful, returns ERROR_SUCCESS.

If unsuccessful, returns an error code.


Header lfapi.h
Library lfapi.lib
Windows Embedded CE Windows Embedded CE 6.0 and later

See Also


Location Framework Functions