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IMsRdpClient::get_ExtendedDisconnectReason (Windows Embedded CE 6.0)


This method retrieves extended information about why the Remote Desktop ActiveX control disconnected. This interface was added for RDP clients (version 5.1 and later).


HRESULT get_ExtendedDisconnectReason(
  ExtendedDisconnectReasonCode* pExtendedDisconnectReason


  • pExtendedDisconnectReason
    [out, retval] Pointer to a code specifying the reason why the client disconnected. The following table shows possible values for this parameter.

    Value Description

    exDiscReasonNoInfo (0x0000)

    No additional information is available.

    exDiscReasonAPIInitiatedDisconnect (0x0001)

    An application initiated the disconnection.

    exDiscReasonAPIInitiatedLogoff (0x0002)

    An application logged off the client.

    exDiscReasonServerIdleTimeout (0x0003)

    The server has disconnected the client because the client has been idle for a period of time longer than the designated timeout period.

    exDiscReasonServerLogonTimeout (0x0004)

    The server has disconnected the client because the client has exceeded the period designated for connection.

    exDiscReasonReplacedByOtherConnection (0x0005)

    The client's connection was replaced by another connection.

    exDiscReasonOutOfMemory (0x0006)

    No memory is available.

    exDiscReasonServerDeniedConnection (0x0007)

    The server refused the connection.

    exDiscReasonLicenseInternal (0x0100)

    Internal licensing error.

    exDiscReasonLicenseNoLicenseServer (0x0101)

    No licensing server was available.

    exDiscReasonLicenseNoLicense (0x0102)

    No valid software license was available.

    exDiscReasonLicenseErrClientMsg (0x0103)

    The remote computer received an invalid licensing message.

    exDiscReasonLicenseHwidDoesntMatchLicense (0x0104)

    The hardware ID does not match the ID on the software license.

    exDiscReasonLicenseErrClientLicense (0x0105)

    Client license error.

    exDiscReasonLicenseCantFinishProtocol (0x0106)

    Network problems occurred during the licensing protocol.

    exDiscReasonLicenseClientEndedProtocol (0x0107)

    The client ended the licensing protocol prematurely.

    exDiscReasonLicenseErrClientEncryption (0x0108)

    A licensing message was encrypted incorrectly.

    exDiscReasonLicenseCantUpgradeLicense (0x0109)

    The local computer's client access license could not be upgraded or renewed.

    exDiscReasonLicenseNoRemoteConnections (0x010A)

    The remote computer is not licensed to accept remote connections.

    exDiscReasonProtocolRangeStart (0x1000) through exDiscReasonProtocolRangeEnd (0x7FFF)

    Values in this range represent internal protocol errors. Check the server event log for additional details.

Return Value

If the method succeeds, the return value is S_OK.

If it fails, the method returns a nonzero error code.


This method is typically called in the IMsTscAxEvents::OnDisconnected event handler to retrieve additional information about the disconnection event.


Header discodlg.h, mstsax.idl
Library Mstsax.lib
Windows Embedded CE Windows CE .NET 4.0 and later

See Also

