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Readlog Viewing Tool (Compact 2013)


Readlog is a CeLog companion tool that prints a textual representation of the data in a CeLog log file (.clg).


Readlog [-PrintOptions | -UtilityOptions ] <Infile> <Outfile>


  • InFile
    Specifies the name of the CeLog (.clg) file to read.
  • OutFile
    For print options, specifies the name of the text file to generate.

    For utility options, specifies the name of the new .clg log file.

  • PrintOptions
    Specifies formatting options for output in text file format.

    • -bytes
      Prints byte offsets for all events; that is, prints the event position in the .clg file.
      This parameter is useful for repairing log file corruption.
    • -d
      Prints timestamps as the length of time elapsed since the last event, rather than absolute times.
      This parameter is useful for measuring system run-time between successive events.
    • -e
      Prints timestamps as comma delimited number of microseconds, which are readable in Excel.
    • -f <parameter>
      Filters out selected events, which are specified using additional parameters. The default setting is no filtering. Parameters are case-sensitive.

      The following list shows specific pre-defined filters you can apply.

      • -f T
        Filters out thread, reschedule, migrate, and priority-invert events.
      • -f P
        Filters out process events.
      • -f I
        Filters out Interrupt events.
      • -f K
        Filters out KCALL entry and exit events.
      • -f M
        Filters out memory tracking events such as heap allocations, reallocations, and frees.
      • -f C
        Filters out critical section events.
      • -f S
        Filters out synchronization objects such as semaphores, mutexes, and events.
      • -f X
        Filters out all system events. This has the same effect as using the TPIKMCS flags in a command.
    • -ids
      Prints IDs for all events.
      This parameter is useful for selecting ranges to use with the range option.
    • -range <ID1><ID2>
      Prints only events from <ID1> to <ID2>, inclusive.
      This parameter is useful for creating a summary of only a particular range of data.
    • -rawtime
      Prints time as hex counter ticks, with no adjustment for counter frequency.

      This parameter is useful in debugging timestamp problems.

    • -s
      Print summary of logged events. If a range is provided, the summary includes only events in the range.
    • -u
      Prints Unicode output.
    • -v
      Prints verbose information.
  • UtilityOptions
    Specifies formatting options for output in CeLog format.

    • -copy
      Generates a new CeLog file that uses data from events flagged with the -range parameter only.

      This parameter is useful for creating a smaller version of the log file that contains only the information of interest. You can share a smaller version of the log file more easily than a very large log file.


    • -fixthreads
      Generates a new CeLog file with fixed thread names.
    • -fixtime
      Generates a new CeLog file where the time stamp does not roll over.

      This parameter is useful for repairing time stamp problems in the log so that Thread and Events displays the data correctly.

    • -plugin
      Generates a new CeLog file that uses plug-in string replacements.

      This parameter is useful for viewing custom events in Thread and Events.

    • -sync
      Generates a new CeLog file that uses a sync header at the top.

      This parameter is most useful for repairing a log files that does not have a list of processes, threads, and modules at the top. For example, the beginning of a log file might have been deleted, or a thread might have been turned off and then back on.


The Readlog Viewing Tool (Readlog.exe) is a command-line tool that converts the binary .clg log file created by CeLog event tracking into text (.txt) and other formats.

Readlog command-line options allow you to control the Readlog output in two ways.

  • Print options generate output in text (.txt) format.
  • Utility options generate a new CeLog file. Read this file by running the Readlog tool again on the new output.

Readlog is much more useful for focusing on a small section of the log file, and for post-processing the log file to obtain statistical summaries of all or part of the log. Readlog is also able to display some events that the Kernel Tracker cannot, such as boot events and debug messages. It is also extensible. You can write a plug-in DLL that Readlog will use to interpret your custom data.

The Readlog tool also has options that you can use to process log files. The options can make log files easier to manage, and easier to view in Kernel Tracker. For example, Readlog can make a copy of a small part of the log for purposes such as sharing through e-mail. In addition, Readlog can insert names for threads. Readlog can use a plug-in DLL to produce a log that includes custom data in a format that Kernel Tracker can display.

Generally, it is useful to use Kernel Tracker first, for an overview of system activity. Then, if you have to have additional details, or if you have to calculate data such as thread run-times, you can find details that you want by using Readlog.

See Also

Other Resources

CeLog Event Tracking