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IFlexiPTMInfo::GetDescriptionTables (Windows Embedded CE 6.0)


This method gets the description table for processes, threads, and modules.


HRESULT GetDescriptionTables(
  [out, size_is(,*pcProcField)] PTM_FIELD_DESC** ppfdProcDescTable,
  [out] DWORD* pcProcField,
  [out, size_is(,*pcThreadField)] PTM_FIELD_DESC** ppfdThreadDescTable,
  [out] DWORD* pcThreadField,
  [out, size_is(, *pcModField)] PTM_FIELD_DESC** ppfdModDescTable,
  [out] DWORD* pcModField


  • ppfdProcDescTable
    Pointer to an array of PTM_FIELD_DESC field descriptors for process data.

    The buffer for this value is allocated by CoTaskMemAlloc.

  • pcProcField
    Pointer to the number of fields in ppfdProcDescTable.
  • ppfdThreadDescTable
    Pointer to an array of PTM_FIELD_DESC field descriptors for thread data.

    The buffer for this value is allocated by CoTaskMemAlloc.

  • pcThreadField
    Pointer to the number of fields in ppfdThreadDescTable.
  • ppfdModDescTable
    Pointer to an array of PTM_FIELD_DESC field descriptors for module data.

    The buffer for this value is allocated by CoTaskMemAlloc.

  • pcModField
    Pointer to the number of fields in ppfdModDescTable.

Return Value

The following table shows return values for this method.

Value Description


Indicates the function was successful.


Indicates one or more invalid arguments.


Indicates one or more invalid pointer values.


Indicates an out of memory error.


Indicates an unspecified failure


To avoid resource leaking, use CoTaskMemFree to free the task memory used by the buffers for PTM_FIELD_DESC.szLabel and PTM_FIELD_DESC.szFormat.

The following example shows how you might use CoTaskMemFree to release the memory held for the return buffers.

// Use a utility function
void FreeFlexiDescriptionTable (PTM_FIELD_DESC *pFieldDesc, DWORD cFields)
    for (DWORD i = 0; i < cFields; ++i)
        CoTaskMemFree (pFieldDesc[i].szLabel);
        CoTaskMemFree (pFieldDesc[i].szFormat);
    CoTaskMemFree (pFieldDesc);
PTM_FIELD_DESC *ppfdProcDescTable, *ppfdThreadDescTable, *ppfdModDescTable;
DWORD pcProcFields, pcThrdFields, pcModFields;
HRESULT hr = piFlexiPTMInfo->GetDescriptionTables (
        &ppfdProcDescTable, &pcProcFields,
        &ppfdThreadDescTable, &pcThrdFields,
        &ppfdModDescTable, &cModFields);
if (SUCCEEDED (hr))
    // Use description tables
    FreeFlexiDescriptionTable (ppfdProcDescTable, pcProcFields);
    ppfdProcDescTable = 0;
    FreeFlexiDescriptionTable (ppfdThreadDescTable, pcThrdFields);
    ppfdThreadDescTable = 0;
    FreeFlexiDescriptionTable (ppfdModDescTable, pcModFields);
    ppfdModDescTable = 0;


Header FlexiPMTInfo.h
Windows Embedded CE Windows CE 5.0 and later

See Also


IFlexiPTMInfo Interface