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COPP Video Miniport Driver Template

This section applies only to Windows Server 2003 SP1 and later, and Windows XP SP2 and later.

The example code provided in this section shows an implementation of a COPP video miniport driver code template that is used to access COPP functionality. Using this template can simplify your video miniport driver development. However, you are not required to implement access to COPP functionality in this manner for your video miniport driver to work correctly.

This section includes:

COPP Device Definition Template Code

COPP Video Miniport Driver IOCTL Template Code

COPP Video Miniport Driver Open Template Code

COPP Video Miniport Driver Get Certificate Template Code

COPP Video Miniport Driver Key Exchange Template Code

COPP Video Miniport Driver Sequence Start Template Code

COPP Video Miniport Driver Command Template Code

COPP Video Miniport Driver Status Template Code

COPP Video Miniport Driver Close Template Code