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CimSubscriptionDeliveryOptions.SetDateTime Method (String, TimeSpan, UInt32)


Sets the time interval for an option.

Namespace:   Microsoft.Management.Infrastructure.Options
Assembly:  Microsoft.Management.Infrastructure (in Microsoft.Management.Infrastructure.dll)


public void SetDateTime(
    string optionName,
    TimeSpan optionValue,
    uint flags
void SetDateTime(
    String^ optionName,
    TimeSpan optionValue,
    unsigned int flags
member SetDateTime : 
        optionName:string *
        optionValue:TimeSpan *
        flags:uint32 -> unit
Public Sub SetDateTime (
    optionName As String,
    optionValue As TimeSpan,
    flags As UInteger


  • optionValue
    Type: System.TimeSpan

    The time interval value to use for the option.


Use this method to set the __MI_SUBSCRIPTIONDELIVERYOPTIONS_SET_EXPIRATION_TIME option for an interval after the subscription request is received.

See Also

SetDateTime Overload
CimSubscriptionDeliveryOptions Class
Microsoft.Management.Infrastructure.Options Namespace

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