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IMessengerContact::Blocked property

[Blocked is no longer available for use as of Windows Vista. See Windows Messenger for more information.]

Sets or retrieves a Boolean value that declares whether the contact associated with this MessengerContact object is blocked by the current client user.

This property is read/write.


HRESULT put_Blocked(
           VARIANT_BOOL vBoolBlock

HRESULT get_Blocked(
  [retval] VARIANT_BOOL *pBoolBlock

Property value

Error codes

Returns one of the following values.

Name Meaning
Attempted to block an already blocked user or unblock a user who was not blocked.
General internal failure.
Error returned by VARIANT handling library.
Error returned by VARIANT handling library.
Requested an out-of-range property. This is not normally returned through this interface because the API calls a property that is known to be in range.
pBoolBlock is a NULL pointer.


The following table lists error codes returned by this method.

Error Code Meaning
0x80004005 General internal failure.
0x8007000E Error returned by VARIANT handling library.
0x80070057 Requested an out-of-range property. This is not normally returned through this interface because the API calls a property that is known to be in range.

Blocking is not necessarily reciprocal. User A may have blocked User B, but if User B hasn't blocked User A, then User A can still receive status updates about User B (if User B is on User A's contact list). Blocking a user does not remove the user from the Contact List or the MessengerContacts collection. Clients should decide how to enforce a logical relationship between blocking users and getting blocked users out of the Contact List.

Assuming the MessengerContact object can be successfully created (which can only be done with an online client), calling this method against a MessengerContact object while the client is offline will always return pBoolBlock==FALSE, even if the contact in question really is blocked. Property information cannot be determined while offline, but will not throw an error.

Blocking is not necessarily reciprocal. User A may have blocked User B, but if User B has not blocked User A, then User A can still receive status updates about User B (if User B is on User A's contact list). Blocking a user does not remove the user from the contact list or the MessengerContacts collection. Clients should decide how to enforce a logical relationship between blocking users and getting blocked users out of the Contact List.

Assuming the MessengerContacts object can be successfully created (which can only be done with an online client), calling this method against a MessengerContact object while the client is offline will always return FALSE, even if the contact in question really is blocked. Property information cannot be determined while offline, but will not throw an error.


This property is not available for scripting languages.


The following Visual Basic example shows the use of this method.

Public WithEvents MsgrUIA As MessengerAPI.Messenger
Public MsgrContact As MessengerAPI.IMessengerContact

Private Sub btnBlocked_Click()
    On Error Resume Next
    Dim strSigninName As String
    Dim strServiceID As String
    'Get selected contact
    strSigninName = ListContact.SelectedItem.SubItems(2)
    strServiceID = ListContact.SelectedItem.SubItems(5)
    Set MsgrContact = Nothing
    Set MsgrContact = MsgrUIA.GetContact(strSigninName, strServiceID)
    ErrorTrap ("GetContact")    'Error handling routine
    If MsgrContact.Blocked = True Then
        MsgrContact.Blocked = False
        MsgBox("Contact: " & CStr(MsgrContact.SigninName) & " is now Unblocked")
        MsgrContact.Blocked = True
        MsgBox("Contact: " & CStr(MsgrContact.SigninName) & " is now Blocked")
    End If
    ErrorTrap ("Contact.Blocked")   'Error handling routine
    populateListView    'Refresh contact list
End Sub


End of client support
Windows XP
End of server support
Windows Server 2003

See also
