Querying Networking Objects
The following JScript sample retrieves and displays physical and virtual network information of the current system.
The command-line syntax for this sample is: CScript nvspinfo.js [/p][/m][/e][/z][/?]
Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
// VirtualSwitchManagementService object. Logical wrapper class for Switch Management Service
VirtualSwitchManagementService( Server, User, Password )
// Define instance fields.
this.m_VirtualizationNamespace = null;
this.m_VirtualSwitchManagementService = null;
VirtualSwitchManagementService.prototype.GetSingleObject = function( SWbemObjectSet )
Takes a SWbemObjectSet which is expected to have one object and returns the object
SWbemObjectSet - The set.
Return Value:
The lone member of the set. Exception thrown if Count does not equal 1.
if (SWbemObjectSet.Count != 1)
throw(new Error(5, "SWbemObjectSet was expected to have one item but actually had " + SWbemObjectSet.Count));
return SWbemObjectSet.ItemIndex(0);
// Constructor code
if (Server == null)
Server = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Network").ComputerName;
// Set Namespace fields
var locator = new ActiveXObject("WbemScripting.SWbemLocator");
this.m_VirtualizationNamespace = locator.ConnectServer(Server, "root\\virtualization", User, Password);
catch (e)
this.m_VirtualizationNamespace = null;
throw(new Error("Unable to get an instance of Virtualization namespace: " + e.description));
// Set Msvm_VirtualSwitchManagementService field
var physicalComputerSystem =
this.m_VirtualizationNamespace.Get( "Msvm_ComputerSystem.CreationClassName='Msvm_ComputerSystem',Name='"
+ Server + "'");
this.m_VirtualSwitchManagementService =
this.GetSingleObject( physicalComputerSystem.Associators_( "Msvm_HostedService",
catch (e)
this.m_VirtualSwitchManagementService = null;
throw(new Error("Unable to get an instance of Msvm_VirtualSwitchManagementService: " + e.description));
// main
var wshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell");
var g_NvspWmi = null;
var g_CimV2 = null;
// Helper function for displaying Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration settings
function DisplayWin32NetworkAdapterConfiguration(win32NetworkAdapterConfiguration)
WScript.echo(" Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration. " + win32NetworkAdapterConfiguration.Index);
WScript.echo(" SettingID = " + win32NetworkAdapterConfiguration.SettingID);
WScript.echo(" InterfaceIndex = " + win32NetworkAdapterConfiguration.InterfaceIndex);
WScript.echo(" IPEnabled = " + win32NetworkAdapterConfiguration.IPEnabled);
if (win32NetworkAdapterConfiguration.IPEnabled)
if (win32NetworkAdapterConfiguration.IPAddress != null)
var ipAddresses = win32NetworkAdapterConfiguration.IPAddress.toArray();
WScript.echo(" IP addresses:");
for (k = 0; k < ipAddresses.length; k++)
WScript.echo(" " + ipAddresses[k]);
if (win32NetworkAdapterConfiguration.IPSubnet != null)
var ipSubnet = win32NetworkAdapterConfiguration.IPSubnet.toArray();
WScript.echo(" IP subnets:");
for (k = 0; k < ipSubnet.length; k++)
WScript.echo(" " + ipSubnet[k]);
if (win32NetworkAdapterConfiguration.DefaultIPGateway != null)
var ipGateway = win32NetworkAdapterConfiguration.DefaultIPGateway.toArray();
WScript.echo(" IP gateways:");
for (k = 0; k < ipGateway.length; k++)
WScript.echo(" " + ipGateway[k]);
// Helper function for displaying Win32_NetworkAdapter settings
function DisplayWin32NetworkAdapter(win32NetworkAdapter)
var protocols = win32NetworkAdapter.Associators_( "Win32_ProtocolBinding",
"Antecedent" );
WScript.echo(" Win32_NetworkAdapter");
WScript.echo(" Name = " + win32NetworkAdapter.Name);
WScript.echo(" GUID = " + win32NetworkAdapter.GUID);
WScript.echo(" DeviceID = " + win32NetworkAdapter.DeviceID);
WScript.echo(" Index = " + win32NetworkAdapter.Index);
WScript.echo(" ConfigManagerErrorCode = " + win32NetworkAdapter.ConfigManagerErrorCode);
WScript.echo(" NetConnectionID = " + win32NetworkAdapter.NetConnectionID);
WScript.echo(" NetConnectionStatus = " + win32NetworkAdapter.NetConnectionStatus);
WScript.echo(" NetEnabled = " + win32NetworkAdapter.NetEnabled);
WScript.echo(" MAC address = " + win32NetworkAdapter.MACAddress);
WScript.echo(" Bindings:");
for (k = 0; k < protocols.Count; k++)
var protocol = protocols.ItemIndex(k);
WScript.echo(" " + protocol.Name);
// Helper function for displaying network settings
function DisplayNetworkSettings(DeviceID)
// get corresponding Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration
var win32NetworkAdapterConfigurations =
g_CimV2.ExecQuery("SELECT * FROM Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration WHERE SettingID = '" + DeviceID + "'");
if (win32NetworkAdapterConfigurations.Count)
var win32NetworkAdapterConfiguration = win32NetworkAdapterConfigurations.ItemIndex(0);
// get corresponding Win32_NetworkAdapter
var win32NetworkAdapters = g_CimV2.ExecQuery("SELECT * FROM Win32_NetworkAdapter WHERE GUID = '" + DeviceID + "'");
if (win32NetworkAdapters.Count)
var win32NetworkAdapter = win32NetworkAdapters.ItemIndex(0);
// Helper function which takes a connection string and displays the switch and port
function DumpConnectionInformation(connection)
var connected = false;
if (connection != null && connection != "")
var switchPort = null;
switchPort = GetObject("winmgmts:" + connection);
catch (e)
switchPort = null;
if (switchPort != null)
var switches = g_NvspWmi.m_VirtualizationNamespace.ExecQuery( "SELECT * FROM Msvm_VirtualSwitch WHERE Name = '"
+ switchPort.SystemName + "'");
if (switches.Count)
WScript.echo(" connection:");
WScript.echo(" switch = " + switches.ItemIndex(0).ElementName);
WScript.echo(" port = " + switchPort.Name);
connected = true;
if (!connected)
WScript.echo(" invalid connection: "+ connection);
WScript.echo(" not connected");
function Main()
var enumAdapters = false;
var everything = false;
var analyze = false;
var includePorts = false;
var includeMac = false;
if (WScript.arguments.Named.Exists("?"))
WScript.Echo(" /p include port details");
WScript.Echo(" /m include mac details (implies -p)");
WScript.Echo(" /e everything");
WScript.Echo(" /z analyze (implies /e)");
if (WScript.arguments.Named.Exists("p"))
includePorts = true;
if (WScript.arguments.Named.Exists("a"))
enumAdapters = true;
if (WScript.arguments.Named.Exists("m"))
includePorts = true;
includeMac = true;
if (WScript.arguments.Named.Exists("e"))
everything = true;
if (WScript.arguments.Named.Exists("z"))
analyze = true;
everything = true;
if (everything)
enumAdapters = true;
includePorts = true;
includeMac = true;
// Connect to root\cimv2 namespace and verify Hyper-V network drivers and services are running
WScript.Echo("Looking for root\\cimv2...");
var locator = new ActiveXObject("WbemScripting.SWbemLocator");
g_CimV2 = locator.ConnectServer("", "root\\cimv2", "", "");
WScript.Echo("Looking for VSP drivers...");
var list = g_CimV2.ExecQuery("SELECT * FROM Win32_SystemDriver WHERE Name='VMSMP' OR Name='vmbus' OR Name='storvsp'");
for (i = 0; i < list.Count; i++)
var next = list.ItemIndex(i);
WScript.echo("Driver " + next.Name + ": State = " + next.State + ", Status = " + next.Status);
WScript.Echo("Looking for VSP services...");
var list = g_CimV2.ExecQuery("SELECT * FROM Win32_Service WHERE Name='nvspwmi' OR Name='vmms' OR Name='vhdsvc'");
for (i = 0; i < list.Count; i++)
var next = list.ItemIndex(i);
WScript.echo("Service " + next.Name + ": State = " + next.State + ", Status = " + next.Status);
// Enumerate all the adapters in the system
if (enumAdapters)
WScript.Echo("Looking for Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration...");
var list = g_CimV2.ExecQuery("SELECT * FROM Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration");
for (i = 0; i < list.Count; i++)
var next = list.ItemIndex(i);
WScript.Echo("Looking for Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration...");
var list = g_CimV2.ExecQuery("SELECT * FROM Win32_NetworkAdapter");
for (i = 0; i < list.Count; i++)
var next = list.ItemIndex(i);
// The nvspwmi service exposes the Hyper-V WMI objects
WScript.Echo("Looking for nvspwmi...");
g_NvspWmi = new VirtualSwitchManagementService();
// "Internal" NICs are virtual NICs exposed to the root partition and provide the root
// connectivity to the virtual network.
WScript.Echo("Looking for internal (host) virtual nics...");
var list = g_NvspWmi.m_VirtualizationNamespace.ExecQuery("SELECT * FROM Msvm_InternalEthernetPort");
for (i = 0; i < list.Count; i++)
var next = list.ItemIndex(i);
WScript.echo(" " + next.ElementName);
WScript.echo(" MTU = " + next.MaxDataSize);
// "External" NICs are NICs (typically physical) used by a virtual network.
// "IsBound=TRUE" indicates the NIC is currently bound to the switch protocol and is already used by a
// virtual network.
WScript.Echo("Looking for bound external nics...");
list = g_NvspWmi.m_VirtualizationNamespace.ExecQuery("SELECT * FROM Msvm_ExternalEthernetPort WHERE IsBound=TRUE");
for (i = 0; i < list.Count; i++)
var next = list.ItemIndex(i);
WScript.echo(" " + next.ElementName);
// "IsBound=FALSE" indicates the NIC is not currently bound to the switch protocol.
WScript.Echo("Looking for unbound external nics...");
list = g_NvspWmi.m_VirtualizationNamespace.ExecQuery("SELECT * FROM Msvm_ExternalEthernetPort WHERE IsBound=FALSE");
for (i = 0; i < list.Count; i++)
var next = list.ItemIndex(i);
WScript.echo(" " + next.ElementName);
WScript.echo(" MTU = " + next.MaxDataSize);
// "Synthetic" NICs are enlightened virtual NICs within VMs
WScript.Echo("Looking for synthetic nics...");
list = g_NvspWmi.m_VirtualizationNamespace.ExecQuery("SELECT * FROM Msvm_SyntheticEthernetPortSettingData");
for (i = 0; i < list.Count; i++)
var next = list.ItemIndex(i);
if (next.Address == null)
var syntheticEthernetPorts = next.Associators_( "Msvm_ElementSettingData", "Msvm_SyntheticEthernetPort", "ManagedElement");
WScript.echo(next.ElementName + ":");
if (next.Connection != null)
var connection = next.Connection.toArray();
for (k = 0; k < connection.length; k++)
WScript.Echo(" MAC address = " + next.Address);
if (syntheticEthernetPorts.Count)
syntheticEthernetPort = syntheticEthernetPorts.ItemIndex(0);
WScript.echo(" DeviceID = " + syntheticEthernetPort.DeviceID);
WScript.echo(" MTU = " + syntheticEthernetPort.MaxDataSize);
WScript.echo(" not powered on");
// "Emulated" NICs are emulated legacy virtual NICs within VMs
WScript.Echo("Looking for emulated nics...");
list = g_NvspWmi.m_VirtualizationNamespace.ExecQuery("SELECT * FROM Msvm_EmulatedEthernetPortSettingData");
for (i = 0; i < list.Count; i++)
var next = list.ItemIndex(i);
if (next.Address == null)
var emulatedEthernetPorts = next.Associators_( "Msvm_ElementSettingData", "Msvm_EmulatedEthernetPort", "ManagedElement");
WScript.echo(next.ElementName + ":");
if (next.Connection != null)
var connection = next.Connection.toArray();
for (k = 0; k < connection.length; k++)
WScript.Echo(" MAC address = " + next.Address);
if (emulatedEthernetPorts.Count)
emulatedEthernetPort = emulatedEthernetPorts.ItemIndex(0);
WScript.echo(" DeviceID = " + emulatedEthernetPort.DeviceID);
WScript.echo(" MTU = " + emulatedEthernetPort.MaxDataSize);
WScript.echo(" not powered on");
// Enumerate all the switches (virtual networks) in the system
WScript.Echo("Looking for switches...");
var switches = g_NvspWmi.m_VirtualizationNamespace.ExecQuery("SELECT * FROM Msvm_VirtualSwitch");
for (i = 0; i < switches.Count; i++)
var isExternalConnected = false; // indicates if an external NIC is connected
var isInternalConnected = false; // indicates if an internal NIC is connected
var nextSwitch = switches.ItemIndex(i);
WScript.echo(" " + nextSwitch.ElementName);
WScript.echo(" MaxChimneyOffloads = " + nextSwitch.MaxChimneyOffloads);
WScript.echo(" MaxVMQOffloads = " + nextSwitch.MaxVMQOffloads);
WScript.echo(" Ports:");
var ports = g_NvspWmi.m_VirtualizationNamespace.ExecQuery( "SELECT * FROM Msvm_SwitchPort WHERE SystemName= '"
+ nextSwitch.Name + "'");
for (j = 0; j < ports.Count; j++)
var port = ports.ItemIndex(j);
var isConnected = false;
if (includePorts)
if (j > 0)
WScript.echo(" " + port.Name);
WScript.echo(" AllowMacSpoofing = " + port.AllowMacSpoofing);
WScript.echo(" ChimneyOffloadWeight = " + port.ChimneyOffloadWeight);
WScript.echo(" ChimneyOffloadUsage = " + port.ChimneyOffloadUsage);
WScript.echo(" VMQOffloadWeight = " + port.VMQOffloadWeight);
WScript.echo(" VMQOffloadUsage = " + port.VMQOffloadUsage);
// switch Msvm_SwitchLANEndpoints are for internal and external NICs
var switchLanEndpoints = port.Associators_( "Msvm_ActiveConnection", "Msvm_SwitchLANEndpoint", "Dependent");
// VM Msvm_LANEndpoints are for virtual machine (synthetic and emulated) NICs
var vmLanEndpoints = port.Associators_( "Msvm_ActiveConnection", "Msvm_VmLANEndpoint", "Dependent");
// Msvm_VLANEndpoint hold VLAN data for a switch port
var vlanEndpoints = port.Associators_( "Msvm_BindsTo", "Msvm_VLANEndpoint", "Dependent");
// if interested in port details, find VLAN settings
if (includePorts && vlanEndpoints.Count)
var vlanEndpoint = vlanEndpoints.ItemIndex(0);
var mode = vlanEndpoint.OperationalEndpointMode;
// the VLAN ID and trunk array are stored in Msvm_VLANEndpointSettingData
var vLANEndpointSettingData = vlanEndpoint.Associators_( "Msvm_NetworkElementSettingData",
var accessVlanId = 0; // only applicable in access mode
var nativeVlanId = 0; // only applicable in trunk mode
if (vLANEndpointSettingData.Count)
accessVlanId = vLANEndpointSettingData.ItemIndex(0).AccessVLAN;
nativeVlanId = vLANEndpointSettingData.ItemIndex(0).NativeVLAN;
// 2 = access mode, 5 = trunk mode
if (mode == 2)
WScript.echo(" VLAN Mode = ACCESS " + accessVlanId);
else if (mode == 5)
// build up a string for the trunk list
var trunkList = vLANEndpointSettingData.ItemIndex(0).TrunkedVLANList.toArray();
var txtTrunkList = "";
for (k = 0; k < trunkList.length; k++)
if (k != 0)
txtTrunkList = txtTrunkList + ",";
txtTrunkList = txtTrunkList + trunkList[k];
WScript.echo(" VLAN Mode = TRUNK, NativeVLAN=" + nativeVlanId + ", TrunkArray=" + txtTrunkList);
WScript.echo(" VLAN Mode = ", mode);
if (switchLanEndpoints.Count)
var switchLanEndpoint = switchLanEndpoints.ItemIndex(0);
var internals = switchLanEndpoint.Associators_( "Msvm_GlobalEthernetPortSAPImplementation",
if (internals.Count)
// the connected port of type "Internal"
WScript.echo(" Internal NIC: " + internals.ItemIndex(0).Name);
WScript.echo(" " + internals.ItemIndex(0).ElementName);
isInternalConnected = true;
isConnected = true;
var externals = switchLanEndpoint.Associators_( "Msvm_GlobalEthernetPortSAPImplementation",
if (externals.Count)
// the connected port of type "External"
WScript.echo(" External NIC: " + externals.ItemIndex(0).Name);
WScript.echo(" " + externals.ItemIndex(0).ElementName);
isExternalConnected = true;
isConnected = true;
if (vmLanEndpoints.Count)
var vmLanEndpoint = vmLanEndpoints.ItemIndex(0);
var synthetic = vmLanEndpoint.Associators_( "Msvm_DeviceSAPImplementation", "Msvm_SyntheticEthernetPort", "Antecedent");
if (synthetic.Count)
// get name of VM
var vmName = synthetic.ItemIndex(0).SystemName;
var vm = g_NvspWmi.m_VirtualizationNamespace.ExecQuery( "SELECT * FROM Msvm_ComputerSystem WHERE Name= '"
+ synthetic.ItemIndex(0).SystemName + "'");
if (vm.Count)
vmName = vm.ItemIndex(0).ElementName;
// the connected port is of type "Synthetic"
WScript.echo(" VM NIC: " + synthetic.ItemIndex(0).ElementName);
WScript.echo(" VM = " + vmName);
WScript.echo(" DeviceID = " + synthetic.ItemIndex(0).DeviceID);
isConnected = true;
// get the operational status
var operationalStatuses = vmLanEndpoint.OperationalStatus.toArray();
for (k = 0; k < operationalStatuses.length; k++)
WScript.Echo(" OperationalStatus = " + operationalStatuses[k]);
// get the corresponding Msvm_SyntheticEthernetPortSettingData
var syntheticEthernetPortSettingData = synthetic.ItemIndex(0).Associators_( "Msvm_ElementSettingData",
if (syntheticEthernetPortSettingData.Count)
WScript.Echo(" MAC address = " + syntheticEthernetPortSettingData.ItemIndex(0).Address);
WScript.Echo(" VirtualSystemIdentifiers = ");
var vsids = syntheticEthernetPortSettingData.ItemIndex(0).VirtualSystemIdentifiers.toArray();
for (k = 0; k < vsids.length; k++)
WScript.Echo(" " + vsids[k]);
var emulated = vmLanEndpoint.Associators_( "Msvm_DeviceSAPImplementation", "Msvm_EmulatedEthernetPort", "Antecedent");
if (emulated.Count)
// get name of VM
var vmName = emulated.ItemIndex(0).SystemName;
var vm = g_NvspWmi.m_VirtualizationNamespace.ExecQuery( "SELECT * FROM Msvm_ComputerSystem WHERE Name= '"
+ emulated.ItemIndex(0).SystemName + "'");
if (vm.Count)
vmName = vm.ItemIndex(0).ElementName;
// the connected port is of type "Emulated" (legacy)
WScript.echo(" Legacy NIC: " + emulated.ItemIndex(0).ElementName);
WScript.echo(" VM = " + vmName);
WScript.echo(" DeviceID = " + emulated.ItemIndex(0).DeviceID);
isConnected = true;
// get the corresponding Msvm_EmulatedEthernetPortSettingData
var emulatedEthernetPortSettingData = emulated.ItemIndex(0).Associators_( "Msvm_ElementSettingData",
if (emulatedEthernetPortSettingData.Count)
WScript.Echo(" MAC address = " + emulatedEthernetPortSettingData.ItemIndex(0).Address);
if (includeMac)
var macs = port.Associators_( "Msvm_SwitchPortDynamicForwarding", "Msvm_DynamicForwardingEntry", "Dependent");
for (k = 0; k < macs.Count; k++)
var mac = macs.ItemIndex(k);
var str = mac.MACAddress;
if (str.length != 12)
WScript.echo(" " + str);
WScript.echo( " " + str.charAt(0) + str.charAt(1) + "-" + str.charAt(2) + str.charAt(3) + "-" +
str.charAt(4) + str.charAt(5) + "-" + str.charAt(6) + str.charAt(7) + "-" + str.charAt(8) +
str.charAt(9) + "-" + str.charAt(10) + str.charAt(11) + " VLAN:" + mac.VlanId );
if (!includePorts && isConnected && j < (ports.Count-1))
if (isExternalConnected)
if (isInternalConnected)
WScript.echo(" Switch is of type 'External' with a root virtual NIC");
WScript.echo(" Switch is of type 'External' without a root virtual NIC");
if (isInternalConnected)
WScript.echo(" Switch is of type 'Internal'");
WScript.echo(" Switch is of type 'Private'");
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