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TV Ratings Enumerations

[The feature associated with this page, Microsoft TV Technologies, is a legacy feature. Microsoft strongly recommends that new code does not use this feature.]

This topic applies to Windows XP Service Pack 1 or later.

The following enumerations are used by the TV Ratings objects.

Enumeration Description
BfEnTvRat_Attributes_CAE_TV Specifies content rating attributes in the English-Canadian television system.
BfEnTvRat_Attributes_CAF_TV Specifies content rating attributes in the French-Canadian television system.
BfEnTvRat_Attributes_MPAA Specifies content rating attributes in the MPAA rating system.
BfEnTvRat_Attributes_US_TV Specifies content rating attributes in the US television system.
BfEnTvRat_GenericAttributes Specifies content rating attributes that can be used for any rating system.
EnTvRat_CAE_TV Specifies rating levels for English-Canadian television.
EnTvRat_CAF_TV Specifies rating levels for French-Canadian television.
EnTvRat_GenericLevel Specifies a generic range of rating levels.
EnTvRat_MPAA Specifies rating levels in the MPAA rating system.
EnTvRat_System Specifies a rating system.
EnTvRat_US_TV Specifies rating levels for US television.
ProtType Specifies various types of content protection.

TV Ratings Components