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IInputPersonalizationWordSink::AddProperty method

Called to add generic properties.


HRESULT AddProperty(
  [in] const STAT_CHUNK  *pStat,
  [in] const void        *pReserved,
  [in] const PROPVARIANT pVar,
  [in] const TEXT_SOURCE *pTextSource,
  [in]       IUnknown    **ppReserved


  • pStat [in]
    Describes the characteristics of a chunk.

  • pReserved [in]
    Reserved for future use.

  • pVar [in]
    The PROPVARIANT for a given property.

  • pTextSource [in]
    Contains information about text for the word breaker to process. Not NULL only for string properties.

  • ppReserved [in]
    Reserved for future use

Return value

If this method succeeds, it returns S_OK. Otherwise, it returns an HRESULT error code.

See also
