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CreateRemoteReplicationCollection method of the MSISCSITARGET_ReplicationService class

Creates a new instance of a remote replication collection, and optionally, supplies the remote system and the protocol endpoints that are used to perform replication operations to and from the remote system.

This method is inherited from the CIM_ReplicationService class.


uint32 CreateRemoteReplicationCollection(
  [in, optional] string                         ElementName,
  [in, optional] CIM_ServiceAccessPoint Ref     LocalAccessPoints[],
  [in, optional] CIM_ServiceAccessPoint Ref     RemoteAccessPoints[],
  [in, optional] CIM_ComputerSystem Ref         RemoteComputerSystem,
  [in, optional] boolean                        Active,
  [in, optional] boolean                        DeleteOnUnassociated,
  [out]          CIM_ConcreteJob Ref            Job,
  [out]          CIM_ConnectivityCollection Ref ConnectivityCollection


ElementName [in, optional]

Specifies an end user relevant name for the element to be created. If NULL, then a system-supplied default name can be used. The value is stored in the ElementName property of the created element.

LocalAccessPoints [in, optional]

Specifies the local Service Access Points (SAPs), for example protocol endpoints, that allow communication to the remote system.

RemoteAccessPoints [in, optional]

Specifies the remote Service Access Points (SAPs), for example protocol endpoints, that allow communication to the remote system.

RemoteComputerSystem [in, optional]

Specifies the remote computer system.

Active [in, optional]

Specifies whether to enable the created remote replication collection. If True, the instance is enabled and provides replication operations to the remote system.

Use the intrinsic CimSession.ModifyInstance method to change this property after the collection is created.

DeleteOnUnassociated [in, optional]

Specifies whether to delete the remote replication collection when the collection is no longer associated with an Service Access Point (SAP). If True, the collection is deleted after the last association is dissolved.

Use the intrinsic CimSession.ModifyInstance method to change this property after the collection is created.

Job [out]

On return, contains a reference to the job, which can be NULL, if the job is completed.

ConnectivityCollection [out]

On return, contains a reference to the created remote replication collection.

Return value

This method returns one of the following values.

Completed with No Error (0)

Not Supported (1)

Unknown (2)

Timeout (3)

Failed (4)

Invalid Parameter (5)

In Use (6)

DMTF Reserved (7 4095)

Method Parameters Checked - Job Started (4096)

Method Reserved (4097 32767)

Vendor Specific (0x8000 = value )


Minimum supported client
None supported
Minimum supported server
Windows Server 2012 R2

See also
