RequestUsageChange method of the CIM_StorageConfigurationService class
Allows a client to request the Usage to be set if the client has access to the element supplied and the request is valid.
uint32 RequestUsageChange(
[in] uint16 Operation,
[in] uint16 UsageValue,
[in] string OtherUsageDescription,
[out] CIM_ConcreteJob REF Job,
[in] CIM_LogicalElement REF TheElement
Operation [in]
The action to perform.
Set (2)
Modify \"Other\" description only (3)
DMTF Reserved
- 4 32767
Vendor Specific
- 32768 65535
UsageValue [in]
Applicable requested usage/restriction -- see the appropriate Usage ValueMap.
OtherUsageDescription [in]
New description text. Applicable when the usage value includes "Other".
Job [out]
Reference to the job (may be null if job completed).
TheElement [in]
The storage element to modify.
Return value
Completed with No Error (0)
Not Supported (1)
Unknown (2)
Timeout (3)
Failed (4)
Invalid Parameter (5)
Not Authorized (6)
DMTF Reserved (7 4095)
Method Parameters Checked - Job Started (4096)
Method Reserved (4097 32767)
Vendor Specific (32768 65535)
Minimum supported client |
None supported |
Minimum supported server |
Windows Server 2012 R2 |
Namespace |
Root\CIMv2\Storage\iScsiTarget |