AddReplicationEntity method of the CIM_ReplicationService class
Introduces a new instance of ReplicationEntity in the specified Namespace.
uint32 AddReplicationEntity(
[in] string ReplicationEntity,
[in] boolean Persistent,
[in] string InstanceNamespace,
[out] CIM_ReplicationEntity REF ReplicationEntityPath
ReplicationEntity [in]
Specifies an embedded CIM_ReplicationEntity instance that specifies properties for the created instance.
Persistent [in]
If true, the instance must persist across Management Server reboot. If NULL, the value will be based on the default value of the class in the MOF. Use the intrinsic method ModifyInstance to change the Persistency value.
InstanceNamespace [in]
Namespace of created instance. If null, created instance will be in the same namespace as the service.
ReplicationEntityPath [out]
Reference to the created instance.
Return value
Completed with No Error (0)
Not Supported (1)
Unspecified Error (2)
Timeout (3)
Failed (4)
Invalid Parameter (5)
In Use (6)
DMTF Reserved (7 32767)
Vendor Specific (32768 4294967295)
Minimum supported client |
None supported |
Minimum supported server |
Windows Server 2012 R2 |
Namespace |
Root\CIMv2\Storage\iScsiTarget |
See also