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RetirePolicy Members

Describes the retire policy for a profile template.

The following tables list the members exposed by the RetirePolicy type.

Public Properties

  Name Description
public property ApprovalsNeeded  Gets the number of approvals that are required for FIM CM requests for the policy. (Inherited from ProfileTemplatePolicy)
public property AuthorizedApprover  Gets the security descriptor for users who are authorized to approve FIM CM requests for the policy. (Inherited from ProfileTemplatePolicy)
public property AuthorizedEnrollmentAgent  Gets the security descriptor for users who can act as enrollment agents for the policy. (Inherited from ProfileTemplatePolicy)
public property AuthorizedInitiator  Gets the security descriptor for users who can initiate FIM CM requests for the policy. (Inherited from ProfileTemplatePolicy)
public property BlockAdminPin Gets a Boolean value that indicates if the smart card admin PIN will be blocked during a retire operation for the policy.
public property BlockUserPin Gets a Boolean value that indicates if the smart card user PIN will be blocked during a retire operation for the policy.
public property CollectComments  Gets a Boolean value that indicates if comment collection is enabled for FIM CM requests for the policy. (Inherited from ProfileTemplatePolicy)
public property CollectRequestPriority  Gets a Boolean value that indicates if request priority collection is enabled for FIM CM requests for the policy. (Inherited from ProfileTemplatePolicy)
public property DefaultRequestPriority  Gets the default priority for FIM CM requests for the policy. (Inherited from ProfileTemplatePolicy)
public property Documents  Gets the policy documents that are configured for the policy. (Inherited from ProfileTemplatePolicy)
public property Enabled  Gets a Boolean value that indicates if the policy is enabled. (Inherited from ProfileTemplatePolicy)
public property EnrollAgentRequired  Gets a Boolean value that indicates if enrollment agents are required for FIM CM requests for the policy. (Inherited from ProfileTemplatePolicy)
public property EraseCard Gets a Boolean value that indicates if the smart card will be erased during a retire operation for the policy.
public property OneTimePasswordPolicy  Gets how one-time passwords for FIM CM requests for the policy are distributed. (Inherited from ProfileTemplatePolicy)
public property Personalization  Gets the smart card personalization options for the policy. (Inherited from ProfileTemplatePolicy)
public property PolicyDataCollection  Gets the data collection items that are associated with the policy. (Inherited from ProfileTemplatePolicy)
public property ResetAdminPin Gets a Boolean value that indicates if the smart card admin PIN will be reset to a default value during a retire operation for the policy.
public property RevocationSettings  Gets the revocation settings for the policy. (Inherited from RevokePolicy)
public property SelfServiceEnabled  Gets a Boolean value that indicates if self-service initiation of FIM CM requests is enabled for the policy. (Inherited from ProfileTemplatePolicy)
public property UseClmCredentials  Gets a Boolean value that indicates if FIM CM agent credentials will be used to perform a revoke operation for the policy. (Inherited from RevokePolicy)


Public Methods

(see also Protected Methods)

  Name Description
public method Equals  (Inherited from Object)
public method GetHashCode  (Inherited from Object)
public method GetType  (Inherited from Object)
public method ToString  (Inherited from Object)


Protected Methods

  Name Description
protected method Finalize  (Inherited from Object)
protected method MemberwiseClone  (Inherited from Object)


See Also


RetirePolicy Class
Microsoft.Clm.Shared.ProfileTemplates Namespace
ProfileTemplate Class