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FPCRdlReportCategory object

Applies to: desktop apps only

The FPCRdlReportCategory object represents a single Report Definition Language (RDL) report category.

RDL report categories are referenced in the properties of other objects.

  • The RDL report categories included in a report job are specified by including references to the applicable FPCRdlReportCategory objects in the FPCRefs collection held in the ReportCategories property of the FPCReportJob object.
  • The FPCRdlReportCategory object representing the RDL report category used to define an instance of an RDL report parameter used in a report job is referenced through the FPCRef object held in the RdlReportCategory property of the FPCRdlReportParameterInstance object.

The FPCRdlReportCategory object is an element of an FPCRdlReportCategories collection, and a new object representing an RDL report category can be created by calling the Add method of this collection.

Ff825923.bkbutton(en-us,VS.85).png Click here to see the Forefront TMG object hierarchy.


The FPCRdlReportCategory object has these types of members:

  • Properties


The FPCRdlReportCategory object has these properties.

Property Access type Description



Gets or sets the display name of the RDL report category.



Gets or sets the name of the RDL report category.



Gets an FPCRdlReportRefs collection that contains references to the FPCRdlReportDefinition objects representing the RDL definitions of the reports included within the report category.


Interfaces for C++ Programming

This object implements the IFPCRdlReportCategory interface.


Minimum supported client

Windows Vista, None supported

Minimum supported server

Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows Server 2008 with SP2 (64-bit only)


Forefront Threat Management Gateway (TMG) 2010



See also

COM Objects



Build date: 7/12/2010