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FpcDefinitionUpdatesStatus enumeration

Applies to: desktop apps only

The FpcDefinitionUpdatesStatus enumerated type contains values that indicate the status of the process of obtaining updates for a protection feature.


typedef enum FpcDefinitionUpdatesStatus { 
  fpcUpdatesStatusStarted              = 0,
  fpcUpdatesStatusSearching            = 1,
  fpcUpdatesStatusSearchCompleted      = 2,
  fpcUpdatesStatusDownloading          = 3,
  fpcUpdatesStatusDownloadCompleted    = 4,
  fpcUpdatesStatusInstalling           = 5,
  fpcUpdatesStatusInstallCompleted     = 6,
  fpcUpdatesStatusUpToDate             = 7,
  fpcUpdatesStatusUpdatesAvailable     = 8,
  fpcUpdatesStatusError                = 9,
  fpcUpdatesStatusCancelled            = 10,
  fpcUpdatesStatusNever                = 11,
  fpcUpdatesStatusUnavailable          = 12,
  fpcUpdatesStatusFeatureDisabled      = 13,
  fpcUpdatesStatusErrorLicenseExpired  = 14
} FpcDefinitionUpdatesStatus;


  • fpcUpdatesStatusStarted
    The process of obtaining updates has started.

  • fpcUpdatesStatusSearching
    The search for applicable updates is in progress.

  • fpcUpdatesStatusSearchCompleted
    The search for applicable updates has been completed.

  • fpcUpdatesStatusDownloading
    The applicable updates are being downloaded.

  • fpcUpdatesStatusDownloadCompleted
    Downloading of the applicable updates has been completed.

  • fpcUpdatesStatusInstalling
    The applicable updates are being installed.

  • fpcUpdatesStatusInstallCompleted
    Installation of the applicable updates has been completed.

  • fpcUpdatesStatusUpToDate
    The protection feature is up-to-date.

  • fpcUpdatesStatusUpdatesAvailable
    Applicable updates are available.

  • fpcUpdatesStatusError
    An error occurred.

  • fpcUpdatesStatusCancelled
    The updating process was cancelled.

  • fpcUpdatesStatusNever
    Forefront TMG is configured never to obtain updates for the protection feature.

  • fpcUpdatesStatusUnavailable
    The source of updates is unavailable.

  • fpcUpdatesStatusFeatureDisabled
    The protection feature is disabled.

  • fpcUpdatesStatusErrorLicenseExpired
    Updates are being downloaded.


Minimum supported client

Windows Vista

Minimum supported server

Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows Server 2008 with SP2 (64-bit only)


Forefront Threat Management Gateway (TMG) 2010



See also

Enumerated Types



Build date: 7/12/2010