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Fax Service Extended COM Objects

The fax service extended Component Object Model (COM) objects fall into the following functional groupings. For a list of the objects, see Alphabetic List of COM Objects.

For more information, see Fax Service Extended COM Object Model.


There are fax objects and methods that will not function in Windows XP Home Edition, Windows XP Professional, Windows Vista Business, Windows Vista Enterprise, and Windows Vista Ultimate, as follows:


  • ConnectedSubmit and IFaxDocument::Submit are not supported for a remote connection to a fax server that is running on Windows XP Home Edition or Windows XP Professional, Windows Vista Business, Windows Vista Enterprise or Windows Vista Ultimate.
  • Windows Vista Business, Windows Vista Enterprise, Windows Vista Ultimate, Windows XP Home Edition and Windows XP Professional do not support the sending of delivery receipts. If you set IFaxReceiptOptions::get_UseForInboundRouting equal to TRUE, the IFaxReceiptOptions::Save method will fail.
  • Windows Vista Business, Windows Vista Enterprise, Windows Vista Ultimate, Windows XP Home Edition and Windows XP Professional do not support outbound routing features. The FaxOutboundRouting object and its subordinate objects are therefore not available for programmatic use.
  • You cannot add inbound routing extensions to the fax service running on Windows XP Home Edition or Windows XP Professional, Windows Vista Business, Windows Vista Enterprise or Windows Vista Ultimate. Therefore, IFaxServer::RegisterInboundRoutingExtension is not available.
  • You cannot reassign inbox faxes on Windows Vista Business, Windows Vista Enterprise or Windows Vista Ultimate.

If you use any of the methods that are unavailable, you will receive a FAX_E_NOT_SUPPORTED_ON_THIS_SKU error.

Root Object

A fax client application must create an instance of a FaxServer object and connect to an active fax server before accessing most other fax service extended COM objects. After you obtain a connection, you can create other messaging objects and configuration objects you need.

You do not have to create the FaxServer object to send a single fax using the FaxDocument object.

Object Description
FaxServer Permits a fax client application to connect to and disconnect from an active fax server. After you obtain a connection to a fax server, you can create the other objects you need to manage fax jobs, view fax archives, and configure the fax service.


Messaging Objects

Includes objects used to create, track, and manage fax documents, messages, and jobs.

Object Description
FaxDocument Permits a fax client application to compose and submit a new fax message to one or more recipients.
FaxIncomingJob Describes an individual incoming fax job in a fax server's queue.
FaxIncomingJobs Contains a collection of incoming fax jobs in a fax server's queue.
FaxIncomingMessage Describes an individual message in the archived inbound fax messages that were successfully received.
FaxIncomingMessageIterator Forward iterator for archived fax messages that were successfully received.
FaxOutgoingJob Describes an individual outbound fax job in a fax server's queue.
FaxOutgoingJobs Contains a collection of outbound fax jobs in a fax server's queue.
FaxOutgoingMessage Describes an individual message in the archived fax messages that were successfully transmitted.
FaxOutgoingMessageIterator Forward iterator for archived fax messages that were successfully transmitted.
FaxRecipient Contains information about an individual fax recipient.
FaxRecipients A collection of objects containing information about the recipients of a fax transmission.
FaxSender Contains information about an individual fax sender.


Configuration Objects

Includes objects used to configure the fax service.

Object Description
FaxActivity Permits reporting of the activity and status of a fax server.
FaxActivityLogging Permits configuration of the activity logging options that the fax service uses.
FaxDevice Represents a single fax device on a fax server.
FaxDeviceIds Contains an ordered collection of fax device IDs.
FaxDeviceProvider Represents an individual fax device provider on a fax server.
FaxDeviceProviders Contains a collection of the fax device providers on a fax server.
FaxDevices Contains a collection of fax devices.
FaxEventLogging Permits configuration of the event logging categories that the fax service uses.
FaxFolders Permits users to access the folders, jobs, and messages on a fax server.
FaxInboundRouting Permits access to an inbound fax routing extension and its methods.
FaxInboundRoutingExtension Represents an individual fax routing extension on a fax server.
FaxInboundRoutingExtensions Contains a collection of the fax routing extensions on a fax server.
FaxInboundRoutingMethod Represents an individual fax routing method on a fax server.
FaxInboundRoutingMethods Contains an ordered collection of fax routing methods.
FaxIncomingArchive Permits configuration of parameters related to the archived inbound faxes on a fax server.
FaxIncomingQueue Permits configuration of the inbound fax queue on a fax server.
FaxLoggingOptions Permits configuration of both the activity logging options and the event logging categories the fax service uses.
FaxOutboundRouting Permits users to configure outbound routing groups and rules.
FaxOutboundRoutingGroup Represents an individual outbound routing group.
FaxOutboundRoutingGroups Contains a collection of the outbound routing groups on a fax server.
FaxOutboundRoutingRule Represents an individual outbound fax routing rule.
FaxOutboundRoutingRules Contains a collection of outbound fax routing rules.
FaxOutgoingArchive Permits configuration of parameters related to the archived inbound faxes on a fax server.
FaxOutgoingQueue Permits configuration of the outbound queue on a fax server.
FaxReceiptOptions Permits setting and retrieving the mail configuration the fax service uses to send fax receipts.
FaxSecurity and FaxSecurity2 Represents the security configuration on a fax server.
FaxConfiguration Represents various objects that provide configuration options for the fax service.


Notification Objects

Includes objects for event notification callbacks.

Object Description
IFaxServerNotify FaxServer interface used for fax notifications. For more information, see Registering for Event Notifications.
FaxJobStatus Retrieves dynamic information about a fax job.
IFaxServerNotify2 Used for fax notifications. For more information, see Registering for Event Notifications.
IFaxAccountNotify FaxAccount interface used for fax account notifications. For more information, see Registering for Event Notifications.


Alphabetic List of COM Objects

The fax service extended COM object model includes the following objects, listed alphabetically: