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Set method of the PS_DhcpServerv6Scope class

Modifies the properties of a IPv6 scope on the server


uint32 Set(
  [in]  string            Prefix,
  [in]  string            Name,
  [in]  string            Description,
  [in]  string            State,
  [in]  uint16            Preference,
  [in]  datetime          PreferredLifeTime,
  [in]  datetime          ValidLifeTime,
  [in]  datetime          T1,
  [in]  datetime          T2,
  [in]  string            ComputerName,
  [in]  boolean           PassThru,
  [out] DhcpServerv6Scope cmdletOutput


Prefix [in]

IPv6 subnet prefix of the scope whose properties are to be modified

Name [in]

New name to be set for the scope

Description [in]

Description string set on the scope

State [in]

State of the scope (Active or Inactive)

Active ("Active")

InActive ("InActive")

Preference [in]

Preference value of the server. The server with the lowest preference value is selected by the DHCP client in case the client gets responses from more than one DHCP server

PreferredLifeTime [in]

The preferred life time of the IPv6 addresses leased from the scope

ValidLifeTime [in]

The valid life time of the IPv6 addresses leased from the scope

T1 [in]

T1 time for the IPv6 addresses lease by the scope. The client is expected to use a unicast message to renew the lease at time T1 from the same DHCP server from which it had initially obtained the lease.

T2 [in]

T2 time for the IPv6 addresses lease by the scope. The client is expected to use a multi cast message to renew the lease at time T2 from any DHCP server.

ComputerName [in]

DNS name or IP address of the target computer running the DHCP server service.

PassThru [in]

If this parameter is specified, the cmdlet returns the PowerShell object which is modified.

cmdletOutput [out]

An embedded instance of the DhcpServerv6Scope class.


Minimum supported client
None supported
Minimum supported server
Windows Server 2012

See also
