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IClusterCounter Members

Contains counter values related to the scheduling queue and cluster nodes (for example, the number of queued jobs and the number of idle nodes).

The following tables list the members exposed by the IClusterCounter type.

Public Properties

  Name Description
public property NumberOfBusyProcessors Retrieves the number of busy processors in the cluster.
public property NumberOfCancelledJobs Retrieves the number of canceled jobs.
public property NumberOfCancelledTasks Retrieves the number of canceled tasks.
public property NumberOfFailedJobs Retrieves the number of failed jobs.
public property NumberOfFailedTasks Retrieves the number of failed tasks.
public property NumberOfFinishedJobs Retrieves the number of finished jobs.
public property NumberOfFinishedTasks Retrieves the number of finished tasks.
public property NumberOfIdleNodes Retrieves the number of idle nodes in the cluster.
public property NumberOfIdleProcessors Retrieves the number of idle processors in the cluster.
public property NumberOfNotSubmittedJobs Retrieves the number of jobs that have not been submitted.
public property NumberOfNotSubmittedTasks Retrieves the number of tasks that have not been submitted.
public property NumberOfPausedNodes Retrieves the number of paused nodes in the cluster.
public property NumberOfPendingNodes Retrieves the number of pending nodes in the cluster.
public property NumberOfPendingProcessors Retrieves the number of pending processors in the cluster.
public property NumberOfQueuedJobs Retrieves the number of queued jobs.
public property NumberOfQueuedTasks Retrieves the number of queued tasks.
public property NumberOfReadyNodes Retrieves the number of ready nodes in the cluster.
public property NumberOfRunningJobs Retrieves the number of running jobs.
public property NumberOfRunningTasks Retrieves the number of running tasks.
public property NumberOfUnreachableNodes Retrieves the number of nodes in the cluster that are not reachable.
public property NumberOfUnreachableProcessors Retrieves the number of processors in the cluster that are not reachable.
public property Timestamp Do not call this method. The time stamp is an opaque object that is used internally by the compute cluster server.
public property TotalNumberOfJobs Retrieves the number of jobs in the cluster.
public property TotalNumberOfNodes Retrieves the number of nodes in the cluster.
public property TotalNumberOfProcessors Retrieves the number of processors in the cluster.
public property TotalNumberOfTasks Retrieves the number of tasks in the cluster.


Public Methods

  Name Description
public method Equals Determines whether two instances of the ClusterCounter object are equal.


See Also


IClusterCounter Interface
Microsoft.ComputeCluster Namespace