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ResultSnippet class

This interface provides the ability to store and query assessment results information.

When to implement

Never. This interface is implemented by Axe and provided to the assessment.


The ResultSnippet interface inherits from IUnknown.

ResultSnippet has these types of members:


The ResultSnippet class has these methods.

Method Description
~ResultSnippet Destructor object.
AddError Overloaded. Creates an ErrorWarning error object for use by the ResultSnippet object.
AddIteration Creates and returns an Iteration for use by this ResultSnippet object.
AddLogFile Adds a log file to this ResultSnippet.
AddWarning Overloaded. Creates an ErrorWarning object for use by the ResultSnippet object.
GetErrorsAndWarnings Returns an ErrorWarningsCollection object that contains the errors and warnings for this ResultsSnippet.
GetIterations Returns a pointer to the IterationCollection object that contains the Iterations for this ResultSnippet object.
GetLogFiles Returns a LogFileCollection object that contains the log files for this ResultSnippet.
GetXmlText Gets the XML text.
Save Saves this ResultSnippet object to a file.


Minimum supported client
Windows 7 [desktop apps only]
Minimum supported server
Windows Server 2008 R2 [desktop apps only]