wmsdkidl.h header
This header is used by Windows Media Format 11 SDK. For more information, see:
wmsdkidl.h contains the following programming interfaces:
IWMAddressAccess The IWMAddressAccess interface controls IP access lists on the writer network sink object. |
IWMAddressAccess2 The IWMAddressAccess2 interface controls IP access lists on the writer network sink object. |
IWMBackupRestoreProps The IWMBackupRestoreProps interface sets and retrieves properties required by the IWMLicenseBackup and IWMLicenseRestore interfaces. |
IWMBandwidthSharing The IWMBandwidthSharing interface contains methods to manage the properties of combined streams.The list of streams that share bandwidth is stored in the bandwidth sharing object. |
IWMClientConnections The IWMClientConnections interface manages the collecting of information about clients connected to a writer network sink object.The writer network sink object exposes this interface. |
IWMClientConnections2 The IWMClientConnections2 interface retrieves advanced client information.The writer network sink object exposes this interface. |
IWMCodecInfo The IWMCodecInfo interface retrieves the number and types of codecs available. |
IWMCodecInfo2 The IWMCodecInfo2 interface manages the retrieval of information about codecs. To access it, call QueryInterface on a profile manager object. |
IWMCodecInfo3 The IWMCodecInfo3 interface retrieves properties from a codec.You can retrieve a pointer to IWMCodecInfo3 with a call to the QueryInterface method of any other interface of the profile manager object. |
IWMCredentialCallback The IWMCredentialCallback interface is a callback interface used by the reader object to acquire user credentials. |
IWMDeviceRegistration The IWMDeviceRegistration interface registers playback devices for secure data delivery.You can create a device registration object and retrieve a pointer to its IWMDeviceRegistration interface by calling the WMCreateDeviceRegistration function. |
IWMDRMEditor The IWMDRMEditor interface is exposed on the metadata editor object. |
IWMDRMMessageParser The IWMDRMMessageParser interface parses pertinent information from messages received from a device.An IWMDRMMessageParser interface exists for every device registration object. |
IWMDRMReader The IWMDRMReader interface provides methods to configure the DRM component and to manage DRM license acquisition and individualization of client applications. |
IWMDRMReader2 The IWMDRMReader2 interface provides methods for examining the rights granted by DRM version 10 licenses.An IWMDRMReader2 interface exists for every instance of the reader object. |
IWMDRMReader3 The IWMDRMReader3 interface enables content transcription by providing a method to get protection systems approved by a license. |
IWMDRMTranscryptor The IWMDRMTranscryptor interface transforms a DRM-protected ASF file into a secure data stream conforming to the Windows Media DRM 10 for Network Devices protocol. |
IWMDRMWriter The IWMDRMWriter interface provides support for applying DRM protection to content in ASF files. |
IWMDRMWriter2 The IWMDRMWriter2 interface provides a method that enables you to write content encrypted with Windows Media DRM 10 for Network Devices.An IWMDRMWriter2 interface exists for every writer object. |
IWMDRMWriter3 The IWMDRMWriter3 interface enables writing of encrypted stream samples for importing protected content.An IWMDRMWriter3 interface exists for every writer object when linking to WMStubDRM.lib. |
IWMHeaderInfo The IWMHeaderInfo interface sets and retrieves information in the header section of an ASF file. |
IWMHeaderInfo2 The IWMHeaderInfo2 interface exposes information about the codecs used to create the content in a file.The IWMHeaderInfo2 interface is implemented by the metadata editor object, the writer object, the reader object, and the synchronous reader object. |
IWMHeaderInfo3 The IWMHeaderInfo3 interface supports the following new metadata features:Attribute data in excess of 64 kilobytes.Multiple attributes with the same name.Attributes in multiple languages.Because the attributes created using this interface can have duplicate names, the methods of this interface use index values to identify attributes.The IWMHeaderInfo3 interface is implemented by the metadata editor object, the writer object, the reader object, and the synchronous reader object. To obtain a pointer to an instance, call the QueryInterface method of any other interface in the desired object. |
IWMImageInfo The IWMImageInfo interface retrieves images stored in ID3v2 "APIC" (attached picture) frames in a file. |
IWMIndexer The IWMIndexer interface is used to create an index for ASF files to enable seeking. |
IWMIndexer2 The IWMIndexer2 interface enables you to change the settings of the indexer object to suit your needs.This interface is implemented as part of the indexer object. |
IWMInputMediaProps The IWMInputMediaProps interface is used to retrieve the properties of digital media that will be passed to the writer.An input media properties object is created by a call to either the IWMWriter::GetInputProps or IWMWriter::GetInputFormat method. |
IWMIStreamProps The IWMIStreamProps interface provides access to the properties of an IStream object.To obtain a pointer to an IWMIStreamProps interface, call IStream::QueryInterface. |
IWMLanguageList The IWMLanguageList interface manages a list of languages supported by an ASF file. |
IWMLicenseBackup The IWMLicenseBackup interface manages the backing up of licenses, typically so that they can be restored onto another computer.This interface is obtained by using the WMCreateBackupRestorer function. |
IWMLicenseRestore The IWMLicenseRestore interface manages the restoring of licenses.This interface is obtained from another interface on the backup restorer object. |
IWMLicenseRevocationAgent The IWMLicenseRevocationAgent interface handles messages from a DRM license server that involve license revocation.IWMLicenseRevocationAgent is the primary interface of the license revocation agent object. |
IWMMediaProps The IWMMediaProps interface sets and retrieves the WM_MEDIA_TYPE structure for an input, stream, or output.In the case of inputs and streams, the contents of the media type structure determine what actions the writer object will perform on the input data when writing the file. Typically, the input media type is an uncompressed type and the stream is a compressed type, so that the contents of their respective media type structures will determine the settings passed by the writer to the codec that will compress the stream.In the case of outputs, the media type structure determines the settings used to decompress the contents of a stream. The Windows Media codecs are capable of delivering output content in a variety of formats.The methods of IWMMediaProps are inherited by IWMVideoMediaProps, which provides access to additional settings for specifying video media types. The methods are also inherited by IWMInputMediaProps and IWMOutputMediaProps.An instance of the IWMMediaProps interface exists for every stream configuration object, input media properties object, and output media properties object. You can retrieve a pointer to this interface by calling the QueryInterface method of any other interface in one of those objects. |
IWMMetadataEditor The IWMMetadataEditor interface is used to edit metadata information in ASF file headers. It is obtained by calling the WMCreateEditor function. |
IWMMetadataEditor2 The IWMMetadataEditor2 interface provides an improved method for opening files for metadata operations.This interface is implemented as part of the metadata editor object. |
IWMMutualExclusion The IWMMutualExclusion interface represents a group of streams, of which only one at a time can be played.IWMMutualExclusion is the base interface for mutual exclusion objects. |
IWMMutualExclusion2 The IWMMutualExclusion2 interface provides advanced configuration features for mutual exclusion objects.This interface supports both multiple languages and advanced mutual exclusion.An IWMMutualExclusion2 interface is created for each mutual exclusion object created. To retrieve a pointer to an IWMMutualExclusion2 interface, call the QueryInterface method of the IWMMutualExclusion interface returned by IWMProfile::CreateNewMutualExclusion. |
IWMOutputMediaProps The IWMOutputMediaProps interface is used to retrieve the properties of an output stream.An IWMOutputMediaProps object is created by a call to IWMReader::GetOutputFormat or IWMReader::GetOutputProps. |
IWMPacketSize The IWMPacketSize interface controls the maximum size of packets in an ASF file. |
IWMPacketSize2 The IWMPacketSize2 interface provides methods to set and retrieve the minimum packet size for a profile.An IWMPacketSize2 interface can be obtained for either a profile object, a reader object, or a synchronous reader object. |
IWMPlayerHook The IWMPlayerHook interface can be implemented by a player application that uses DirectX Video Acceleration (DirectX VA). |
IWMProfile The IWMProfile interface is the primary interface for a profile object. |
IWMProfile2 The IWMProfile2 interface exposes the globally unique identifier for a system profile. |
IWMProfile3 The IWMProfile3 interface provides enhanced features for profiles. |
IWMProfileManager The IWMProfileManager interface is used to create profiles, load existing profiles, and save profiles. |
IWMProfileManager2 The IWMProfileManager2 interface adds methods to specify and retrieve the version number of the system profiles enumerated by the profile manager. |
IWMProfileManagerLanguage The IWMProfileManagerLanguage interface controls the language of the system profiles parsed by the profile manager.An IWMProfileManagerLanguage interface exists for every profile manager object. |
IWMPropertyVault The IWMPropertyVault interface provides methods to store and retrieve properties. |
IWMProximityDetection The IWMProximityDetection interface validates a playback device for receiving media data. |
IWMReader The IWMReader interface is used to open, close, start, pause, resume, and unlock the WMReader object. |
IWMReaderAccelerator The IWMReaderAccelerator interface is implemented on the reader object only when it is in decoding mode. It is called by a player or a player source filter to obtain interfaces from the decoder DMO. |
IWMReaderAdvanced A call to QueryInterface from a reader object exposes the advanced functionality described in this section. |
IWMReaderAdvanced2 The IWMReaderAdvanced2 interface provides additional advanced methods for a reader object. |
IWMReaderAdvanced3 The IWMReaderAdvanced3 interface provides additional functionality to the reader object. |
IWMReaderAdvanced4 The IWMReaderAdvanced4 interface provides additional functionality to the reader.An IWMReaderAdvanced4 interface exists for every reader object. |
IWMReaderAdvanced5 The IWMReaderAdvanced5 interface enables you to associate a player-hook callback interface with the reader object.An IWMReaderAdvanced5 interface exists for every reader object. |
IWMReaderAdvanced6 The IWMReaderAdvanced6 interface enables sample protection.An IWMReaderAdvanced6 interface exists for every reader object. |
IWMReaderAllocatorEx The IWMReaderAllocatorEx interface provides expanded alternatives to the AllocateForOutput and AllocateForStream methods of the IWMReaderCallbackAdvanced interface. |
IWMReaderCallback The IWMReaderCallback is implemented by the application to handle data being read from a file. A pointer to the interface is passed to IWMReader::Open. |
IWMReaderCallbackAdvanced The IWMReaderCallback interface is implemented by the application to handle data being read from a file. |
IWMReaderNetworkConfig The IWMReaderNetworkConfig interface is used to set and test network configuration settings. |
IWMReaderNetworkConfig2 The IWMReaderNetworkConfig2 interface provides advanced networking functionality.An IWMReaderNetworkConfig2 interface exists for every reader object. |
IWMReaderPlaylistBurn The IWMReaderPlaylistBurn interface verifies that the files in a playlist can be copied to CD, in the order in which they are specified. |
IWMReaderStreamClock The IWMReaderStreamClock interface provides access to the clock used by the reader.This interface exists for every reader object. |
IWMReaderTimecode The IWMReaderTimecode interface provides access to information about SMPTE (Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers) time code ranges. |
IWMReaderTypeNegotiation The IWMReaderTypeNegotiation interface provides a single method that can be used to test certain changes to the output properties of a stream.An IWMReaderTypeNegotiation interface exists for every reader object. |
IWMRegisterCallback The IWMRegisterCallback interface enables the application to get status messages from a sink object.By default, the writer object does not send the application any status messages from the sink object. |
IWMRegisteredDevice The IWMRegisteredDevice interface is the primary interface of the registered device object. It provides access to information about a playback device in the device registration database. |
IWMStatusCallback The IWMStatusCallback interface is implemented by the application to receive status information from various objects. |
IWMStreamConfig The IWMStreamConfig interface is the primary interface of a stream configuration object. |
IWMStreamConfig2 The IWMStreamConfig2 interface manages the data unit extensions associated with a stream.IWMStreamConfig2 inherits from IWMStreamConfig. To obtain a pointer to IWMStreamConfig2, call the QueryInterface method of the IWMStreamConfig interface. |
IWMStreamConfig3 The IWMStreamConfig3 interface controls language settings for a stream.An IWMStreamConfig3 interface exists for every stream configuration object. |
IWMStreamList The IWMStreamList interface is used by mutual exclusion objects and bandwidth sharing objects to maintain lists of streams. |
IWMStreamPrioritization The IWMStreamPrioritization interface provides methods to set and read priority records for a file.Stream prioritization allows content creators to specify the priority of the streams in an ASF file. |
IWMSyncReader The IWMSyncReader interface provides the ability to read ASF files using synchronous calls. |
IWMSyncReader2 The IWMSyncReader2 interface provides advanced features for the synchronous reader. |
IWMVideoMediaProps With this interface, the application can specify additional video-specific parameters not available on the IWMMediaProps interface.To get access to the methods of this interface, call QueryInterface on a stream configuration object. |
IWMWatermarkInfo The IWMWatermarkInfo interface retrieves information about available watermarking systems. |
IWMWriter The IWMWriter interface is used to write ASF files. |
IWMWriterAdvanced The IWMWriterAdvanced interface provides advanced writing functionality.This interface exists for every instance of the writer object. To obtain a pointer to this interface, call QueryInterface on the writer object. |
IWMWriterAdvanced2 The IWMWriterAdvanced2 interface provides the ability to set and retrieve named settings for an input.IWMWriterAdvanced2 exists for every instance of the writer object. To obtain a pointer to this interface, call QueryInterface on the writer object. |
IWMWriterAdvanced3 The IWMWriterAdvanced3 interface provides additional functionality for the writer object.IWMWriterAdvanced3 exists for every instance of the writer object. To obtain a pointer to this interface, call QueryInterface on the writer object. |
IWMWriterFileSink The IWMWriterFileSink interface is used to open a file to which the writer can write data. The file sink object exposes this interface. To create the file sink object, call the WMCreateWriterFileSink function. |
IWMWriterFileSink2 The IWMWriterFileSink2 interface provides extended management of a file sink.This interface can be obtained by calling the QueryInterface method of an IWMWriterFileSink interface. |
IWMWriterFileSink3 The IWMWriterFileSink3 interface provides additional functionality to the file sink object. To obtain a pointer to this interface, call QueryInterface on the file sink object. |
IWMWriterNetworkSink The IWMWriterNetworkSink interface is used to deliver streams to the network. |
IWMWriterPostView The IWMWriterPostView interface manages advanced writing functionality related to the postviewing of samples. |
IWMWriterPostViewCallback The IWMWriterPostViewCallback interface manages the receiving of uncompressed samples from the writer. Postview can be used only for video streams.This interface must be implemented by the application and passed to IWMWriterPostView::SetPostViewCallback. |
IWMWriterPreprocess The IWMWriterPreprocess interface handles multi-pass encoding. |
IWMWriterPushSink The IWMWriterPushSink interface enables the application to send ASF files to a publishing point on a Windows Media server. |
IWMWriterSink The IWMWriterSink interface is the basic interface of all writer sinks, including the file, network, and push sinks defined in the Windows Media Format SDK, and custom sinks. |
WMCreateBackupRestorer The WMCreateBackupRestorer function creates a backup restorer object. |
WMCreateDeviceRegistration The WMCreateDeviceRegistration function creates a device registration object. |
WMCreateDRMTranscryptionManager The WMCreateDRMTranscryptionManager function creates a manager for DRM transcryptor objects. |
WMCreateDRMTranscryptor Creates a DRM transcryptor object. |
WMCreateEditor The WMCreateEditor function creates a metadata editor object. |
WMCreateIndexer The WMCreateIndexer function creates an indexer object. |
WMCreateLicenseRevocationAgent The WMCreateLicenseRevocationAgent function creates a license revocation object. |
WMCreateProfileManager The WMCreateProfileManager function creates a profile manager object. |
WMCreateReader The WMCreateReader function creates a reader object. |
WMCreateSyncReader The WMCreateSyncReader function creates a synchronous reader object. |
WMCreateWriter The WMCreateWriter function creates a writer object. |
WMCreateWriterFileSink The WMCreateWriterFileSink function creates a writer file sink object. |
WMCreateWriterNetworkSink The WMCreateWriterNetworkSink function creates a writer network sink object. |
WMCreateWriterPushSink The WMCreateWriterPushSink function creates a writer push sink object. Push sinks are used to deliver streaming content to other media servers for distribution. |
WMIsContentProtected The WMIsContentProtected function checks a file for DRM-protected content. This function is a shortcut so that your application can quickly identify protected files. |
DRM_COPY_OPL The DRM_COPY_OPL structure holds information about the output protection levels specified in a license for copy actions. |
DRM_MINIMUM_OUTPUT_PROTECTION_LEVELS The DRM_MINIMUM_OUTPUT_PROTECTION_LEVELS structure holds the minimum output protection levels (OPL) for playback of various types of content. A device must support the minimum OPL for a type of data to receive that type of data from the reader. |
DRM_OPL_OUTPUT_IDS The DRM_OPL_OUTPUT_IDS structure holds a number of output protection level (OPL) output identifiers. |
DRM_OUTPUT_PROTECTION The DRM_VIDEO_OUTPUT_PROTECTION structure holds a video output technology identifier and the configuration data required by that technology. |
DRM_PLAY_OPL The DRM_PLAY_OPL structure holds information about the output protection levels (OPL) specified in a license for play actions. |
DRM_VAL16 The DRM_VAL16 structure is used by some DRM-related methods for passing 128-bit device identification values. |
WM_ADDRESS_ACCESSENTRY The WM_ADDRESS_ACCESSENTRY structure specifies an entry in an IP address access list. |
WM_CLIENT_PROPERTIES The WM_CLIENT_PROPERTIES structure records information about the client. |
WM_CLIENT_PROPERTIES_EX The WM_CLIENT_PROPERTIES_EX structure holds extended client information. |
WM_LEAKY_BUCKET_PAIR The WM_LEAKY_BUCKET_PAIR structure describes the buffering requirements for a VBR file. This structure is used with the ASFLeakyBucketPairs attribute. |
WM_MEDIA_TYPE The WM_MEDIA_TYPE structure is the primary structure used to describe media formats for the objects of the Windows Media Format SDK. For more information about media formats and what they are used for, see Formats. |
WM_PICTURE The WM_PICTURE structure is used as the data item for the WM/Picture complex metadata attribute. |
WM_PORT_NUMBER_RANGE The WM_PORT_NUMBER_RANGE structure describes the range of port numbers used by the IWMReaderNetworkConfig interface. |
WM_READER_CLIENTINFO The WM_READER_CLIENTINFO structure describes the client reader (player) accessing the media stream. |
WM_READER_STATISTICS The WM_READER_STATISTICS structure describes the performance of a reading operation. |
WM_STREAM_PRIORITY_RECORD The WM_STREAM_PRIORITY_RECORD structure contains a stream number and specifies whether delivery of that stream is mandatory. |
WM_STREAM_TYPE_INFO The WM_STREAM_TYPE_INFO structure is used as the data item for the WM/StreamTypeInfo complex metadata attribute. It stores the major type and the size of the associated format data. |
WM_SYNCHRONISED_LYRICS The WM_SYNCHRONISED_LYRICS structure is used as the data item for the WM/Lyrics_Synchronised complex metadata attribute. |
WM_USER_TEXT The WM_USER_TEXT structure is used as the data item for the WM/Text complex metadata attribute. |
WM_USER_WEB_URL The WM_USER_WEB_URL structure is used as the data item for the WM/UserWebURL complex metadata attribute. |
WM_WRITER_STATISTICS The WM_WRITER_STATISTICS structure describes the performance of a writing operation. |
WM_WRITER_STATISTICS_EX The WM_WRITER_STATISTICS_EX structure is used by IWMWriterAdvanced3::GetStatisticsEx to obtain extended writer statistics. |
WMDRM_IMPORT_INIT_STRUCT The WMDRM_IMPORT_INIT_STRUCT structure holds the encrypted session key and content key used in importing protected content. |
WMMPEG2VIDEOINFO The WMMPEG2VIDEOINFO structure describes an MPEG-2 video stream. |
WMSCRIPTFORMAT The WMSCRIPTFORMAT structure describes the type of script data used in a script stream. |
WMT_BUFFER_SEGMENT The WMT_BUFFER_SEGMENT structure contains the information needed to specify a segment in a buffer. It is used as a member of the WMT_FILESINK_DATA_UNIT and WMT_PAYLOAD_FRAGMENT structures to specify segments of a packet. |
WMT_COLORSPACEINFO_EXTENSION_DATA The WMT_COLORSPACEINFO_EXTENSION_DATA structure contains information about the color format of output video samples. It is used as the value for the WM_SampleExtensionGUID_ColorSpaceInfo data unit extension. |
WMT_FILESINK_DATA_UNIT The WMT_FILESINK_DATA_UNIT structure is used by IWMWriterFileSink3::OnDataUnitEx to deliver information about a packet. |
WMT_PAYLOAD_FRAGMENT The WMT_PAYLOAD_FRAGMENT structure contains the information needed to extract a payload fragment from a buffer and identifies the payload to which the fragment belongs. |
WMT_TIMECODE_EXTENSION_DATA The WMT_TIMECODE_EXTENSION_DATA structure contains information needed for a single SMPTE time code sample extension. One of these structures will be attached to every video frame that requires a SMPTE time code. |
WMT_VIDEOIMAGE_SAMPLE Describes a sample for a Video Image stream that uses the Windows Media Video 9 Image codec. |
WMT_VIDEOIMAGE_SAMPLE2 The WMT_VIDEOIMAGE_SAMPLE2 structure describes a sample for a Video Image stream. |
WMT_WATERMARK_ENTRY The WMT_WATERMARK_ENTRY structure contains information describing a watermarking system. |
WMT_WEBSTREAM_FORMAT The WMT_WEBSTREAM_FORMAT structure contains information about a Web stream. This structure is used as the pbFormat member of the WM_MEDIA_TYPE structure for Web streams. |
WMT_WEBSTREAM_SAMPLE_HEADER The WMT_WEBSTREAM_SAMPLE_HEADER structure is used as a variable-sized header for each Web stream sample. |
WMVIDEOINFOHEADER The WMVIDEOINFOHEADER structure describes the bitmap and color information for a video image. |
WMVIDEOINFOHEADER2 The WMVIDEOINFOHEADER2 structure describes the bitmap and color information for a video image, including interlace, copy protection, and aspect ratio. |
WM_AETYPE The WM_AETYPE enumeration specifies the permissions for an entry in an IP address access list. |
WMT_ATTR_DATATYPE The WMT_ATTR_DATATYPE enumeration defines the data type for a variably typed property. |
WMT_ATTR_IMAGETYPE The WMT_ATTR_IMAGETYPE enumeration type lists image types that can be stored in the header of an ASF file. |
WMT_CODEC_INFO_TYPE The WMT_CODEC_INFO_TYPE enumeration type defines the broad categories of codecs supported by this SDK. |
WMT_CREDENTIAL_FLAGS The WMT_CREDENTIAL_FLAGS enumeration type contains values used in the IWMCredentialCallback::AcquireCredentials method. |
WMT_DRMLA_TRUST Defines the trust state of a DRM license acquisition URL. |
WMT_FILESINK_MODE The WMT_FILESINK_MODE enumeration type defines the types of input accepted by the file sink. |
WMT_IMAGE_TYPE The WMT_IMAGE_TYPE enumeration type defines the types of images that can be used for banner ads. This type is used as the value of the BannerImageType attribute. |
WMT_INDEX_TYPE The WMT_INDEX_TYPE enumeration type defines the type of object that will be associated with an index. |
WMT_INDEXER_TYPE The WMT_INDEXER_TYPE enumeration type defines the types of indexing supported by the indexer. |
WMT_MUSICSPEECH_CLASS_MODE The WMT_MUSICSPEECH_CLASS_MODE enumeration type defines the types of compression supported by the Windows Media Audio 9 Voice codec. |
WMT_NET_PROTOCOL The WMT_STREAM_SELECTION enumeration type defines the types of protocols that the network sink supports. |
WMT_OFFSET_FORMAT The WMT_OFFSET_FORMAT enumeration type defines the types of offsets used in this SDK. |
WMT_PLAY_MODE The WMT_PLAY_MODE enumeration type defines the playback options of the reader. |
WMT_PROXY_SETTINGS The WMT_PROXY_SETTINGS enumeration type defines network proxy settings for use with a reader object. |
WMT_RIGHTS Defines the rights that may be specified in a DRM license. |
WMT_STATUS The WMT_STATUS enumeration type defines a range of file status information. |
WMT_STORAGE_FORMAT The WMT_STORAGE_FORMAT enumeration type defines the file types that can be manipulated with this SDK. |
WMT_STREAM_SELECTION The WMT_STREAM_SELECTION enumeration type defines the playback status of a stream. |
WMT_TRANSPORT_TYPE The WMT_TRANSPORT_TYPE enumeration type defines the transport types supported by this SDK. |
WMT_VERSION The WMT_VERSION enumeration type defines the versions of the Windows Media Format SDK. |
WMT_WATERMARK_ENTRY_TYPE The WMT_WATERMARK_ENTRY_TYPE enumeration type identifies the types of watermarking systems. Each watermarking system is a DirectX media object (DMO) that embeds some sort of digital watermark in digital media content. |