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IDVBSLocator interface (tuner.h)

[The feature associated with this page, Microsoft TV Technologies, is a legacy feature. Microsoft strongly recommends that new code does not use this feature.]

The IDVBSLocator interface is implemented on the DVBSLocator object. It provides information to enable a tuner to acquire a satellite DVB (DVB-S) transmission. The methods for acquiring a transport stream once the signal is tuned are provided by IDVBTuneRequest. Locator data is meant for consumption by the BDA hardware drivers. Applications do not need to interpret any of this data except perhaps for some debugging purposes.

Locators can be created dynamically when the tune request is created, by a loader that has access to the necessary information about the tuning space, or a default locator can be installed when the tuning space is first installed, and the loader can use the default locator when creating tune requests. Applications do not need to use any of the Locator interfaces unless they are creating tune requests. All Locator objects also support IPersistPropertyBag.


The IDVBSLocator interface inherits from IDigitalLocator. IDVBSLocator also has these types of members:


The IDVBSLocator interface has these methods.


The get_Azimuth method retrieves the azimuth setting used for positioning the satellite dish.

The get_Elevation method retrieves the elevation of the satellite in tenths of a degree.

The get_OrbitalPosition method retrieves the setting for the satellite's orbital position.

The get_SignalPolarisation method retrieves the signal polarisation.

The get_WestPosition method retrieves a value indicating whether the orbital position is given in east or west longitude.

The put_Azimuth method adjusts the azimuth setting used for positioning the satellite dish.

The put_Elevation method sets the elevation of the satellite in tenths of a degree.

The put_OrbitalPosition method sets the setting for the satellite's orbital position.

The put_SignalPolarisation method sets the signal polarisation.

The put_WestPosition method sets the longitudinal position as west longitude or east longitude.


To declare the interface identifier (IID) for this interface, use the __uuidof operator: __uuidof(IDVBSLocator).


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows�XP [desktop apps only]
Minimum supported server None supported
Target Platform Windows
Header tuner.h

See also


Tuning Model Interfaces