DispGetIDsOfNames function (oleauto.h)

Low-level helper for Invoke that provides machine independence for customized Invoke.


HRESULT DispGetIDsOfNames(
        ITypeInfo *ptinfo,
  [in]  LPOLESTR  *rgszNames,
        UINT      cNames,
  [out] DISPID    *rgdispid



The type information for an interface. This type information is specific to one interface and language code, so it is not necessary to pass an interface identifier (IID) or LCID to this function.

[in] rgszNames

An array of name strings that can be the same array passed to DispInvoke in the DISPPARAMS structure. If cNames is greater than 1, the first name is interpreted as a method name, and subsequent names are interpreted as parameters to that method.


The number of elements in rgszNames.

[out] rgdispid

An array of DISPIDs to be filled in by this function. The first ID corresponds to the method name. Subsequent IDs are interpreted as parameters to the method.

Return value

Return code Description
The interface is supported.
One of the parameters is not valid.
One or more of the specified names were not known. The returned array of DISPIDs contains DISPID_UNKNOWN for each entry that corresponds to an unknown name.

Any of the ITypeInfo::Invoke errors can also be returned.


Requirement Value
Target Platform Windows
Header oleauto.h
Library OleAut32.lib
DLL OleAut32.dll