MatchEnumTag function (netsh.h)

The MatchEnumTag function searches a table of legal values to find a value that matches a specific token. The MatchEnumTag function is typically called by a command function when an argument is specified that has an enumerated set of possible values.


DWORD MatchEnumTag(
        HANDLE            hModule,
  [in]  LPCWSTR           pwcArg,
  [in]  DWORD             dwNumArg,
  [in]  const TOKEN_VALUE *pEnumTable,
  [out] PDWORD            pdwValue



Reserved. Set to null.

[in] pwcArg

A token to match. The pwcArg parameter is usually an entry in the ppwcArguments array passed into the FN_HANDLE_CMD function exposed by the helper (the command function).

[in] dwNumArg

The number of entries in the pEnumTable array.

[in] pEnumTable

An array of token:value pairs.

[out] pdwValue

Upon success, the pdwValue parameter is filled with the value associated with the token in the pEnumTable array.

Return value



Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows XP [desktop apps only]
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2003 [desktop apps only]
Target Platform Windows
Header netsh.h
Library Netsh.lib
DLL Netsh.exe

See also