IFsrmReportScheduler interface (fsrmreports.h)

[Starting with Windows Server 2012 this interface is not supported; use the MSFT_FSRMScheduledTask WMI class to manage scheduled tasks.]

Used to manage scheduled tasks for report jobs and file management jobs.

To get this interface, call the CoCreateInstanceEx function. Use CLSID_FsrmReportScheduler as the class identifier and __uuidof(IFsrmReportScheduler) as the interface identifier. For an example, see Scheduling a Report Job.


The IFsrmReportScheduler interface inherits from the IDispatch interface. IFsrmReportScheduler also has these types of members:


The IFsrmReportScheduler interface has these methods.


Creates a scheduled task that is used to trigger a report job.

Deletes a task that is used to trigger a report job.

Modifies a task that is used to trigger a report job.

Verifies that the specified local directory paths that are used as the source for the reports are valid.


To enumerate the schedules for reports, call the IFsrmReportManager::EnumReportJobs method. Use the task name in the IFsrmReportJob::Task property to retrieve the schedule from the Task Scheduler. To retrieve the schedule, call the ITaskScheduler::Activate method. (FSRM supports only Task Scheduler version 1.0, not version 2.0.) Note that some report jobs may not have an associated schedule.

To enumerate the schedules for file management jobs, call the IFsrmFileManagementJobManager::EnumFileManagementJobs method. Use the task name in the IFsrmFileManagementJob::Task property to retrieve the schedule from the Task Scheduler. To retrieve the schedule, call the ITaskScheduler::Activate method.

To create this object from a script, use the "Fsrm.FsrmReportScheduler" program identifier.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client None supported
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2008
Target Platform Windows
Header fsrmreports.h (include FsrmReports.h, FsrmTlb.h)

See also

FSRM Interfaces
