IFsrmCommittableCollection interface (fsrm.h)

Defines a collection of FSRM objects that can have the same type of objects added to or removed from the collection. All objects in the collection can also be committed in a single batch operation. Committing objects in a batch operation provides better performance than committing each object in the collection individually.

To create an empty collection, call the IFsrmQuotaManager::CreateQuotaCollection method.

The following methods and properties return this collection:

The collection is empty if the IFsrmCollection::Count property is zero.


The IFsrmCommittableCollection interface inherits from IFsrmMutableCollection. IFsrmCommittableCollection also has these types of members:


The IFsrmCommittableCollection interface has these methods.


Commits all the objects of the collection and returns the commit results for each object.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client None supported
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2008
Target Platform Windows
Header fsrm.h (include FsrmPipeline.h, FsrmQuota.h, FsrmReports.h, FsrmScreen.h)

See also
