EapHostPeerGetIdentity function (eappapis.h)

This function is called by tunnel methods to request identity information from the inner methods. This function returns the identity and user credential information.


DWORD EapHostPeerGetIdentity(
  [in]      DWORD           dwVersion,
  [in]      DWORD           dwFlags,
  [in]      EAP_METHOD_TYPE eapMethodType,
  [in]      DWORD           dwSizeofConnectionData,
  [in]      const BYTE      *pConnectionData,
  [in]      DWORD           dwSizeofUserData,
  [in]      const BYTE      *pUserData,
  [in]      HANDLE          hTokenImpersonateUser,
  [out]     BOOL            *pfInvokeUI,
  [in, out] DWORD           *pdwSizeOfUserDataOut,
  [out]     BYTE            **ppUserDataOut,
  [out]     LPWSTR          *ppwszIdentity,
  [out]     EAP_ERROR       **ppEapError,
  [in, out] BYTE            **ppvReserved


[in] dwVersion

The version number of the API. Must be set to zero.

[in] dwFlags

A combination of EAP flags that describe the EAP authentication session behavior.

[in] eapMethodType

An EAP_METHOD_TYPE structure that specifies the type of EAP authentication to use for this session.

[in] dwSizeofConnectionData

Size of the buffer indicated by the pConnectionData parameter, in bytes.

[in] pConnectionData

Pointer to configuration data that is used for the EAP method.

[in] dwSizeofUserData

Size of the buffer indicated by the pUserData parameter, in bytes.

[in] pUserData

Pointer to user credential information that pertains to this authentication session.

[in] hTokenImpersonateUser

Impersonation token for a logged-on user to collect user-related information.

[out] pfInvokeUI

Returns TRUE if the user identity and user data blob aren't returned successfully, and the method seeks to collect the information from the user through the user interface dialog.

[in, out] pdwSizeOfUserDataOut

Size of the buffer indicated by the ppUserDataOut parameter, in bytes.

[out] ppUserDataOut

User data information returned by the method. After use, this memory must be freed by calling EapHostPeerFreeRuntimeMemory.

[out] ppwszIdentity

A pointer to a NULL-terminated user identity string. After use, this memory must be freed by calling EapHostPeerFreeRuntimeMemory.

[out] ppEapError

A pointer to a pointer to an EAP_ERROR structure that contains any errors raised during the execution of this function call. After consuming the error data, this memory must be freed by calling EapHostPeerFreeErrorMemory.

[in, out] ppvReserved

Reserved for future use

Return value



Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows Vista [desktop apps only]
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2008 [desktop apps only]
Target Platform Windows
Header eappapis.h
Library Eappprxy.lib
DLL Eapphost.dll

See also

EAPHost Supplicant Run-Time Functions
