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CustomClaimLdapAttribute Class


A class that defines a method for mapping LDAP attributes to CustomClaims.

Namespace:   System.Web.Security.SingleSignOn
Assembly:  System.Web.Security.SingleSignOn (in System.Web.Security.SingleSignOn.dll)

Inheritance Hierarchy



public class CustomClaimLdapAttribute
public ref class CustomClaimLdapAttribute 
type CustomClaimLdapAttribute = class end
Public Class CustomClaimLdapAttribute


Name Description
System_CAPS_pubmethod CustomClaimLdapAttribute()

Initializes a new instance of the CustomClaimLdapAttribute class. The properties are set to null.


Name Description
System_CAPS_pubproperty CorporateCustomClaimUuid

Gets or sets the UUID for the corporate claim to be generated.

System_CAPS_pubproperty CustomClaimAttribute

Gets or sets the attribute name that is used to categorize this custom claim. This claim will be generated only if the user account contains the LDAP attribute defined in the CustomClaimAttribute property.


Name Description
System_CAPS_pubmethod Equals(Object)

(Inherited from Object.)

System_CAPS_protmethod Finalize()

(Inherited from Object.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod GetHashCode()

(Inherited from Object.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod GetType()

(Inherited from Object.)

System_CAPS_protmethod MemberwiseClone()

(Inherited from Object.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod ToString()

(Inherited from Object.)


The CorporateCustomClaimUuid property refers to the corporate custom claim that will be generated. This claim will be generated only if the user account contains the LDAP attribute defined in CustomClaimAttribute.

The value of the corporate custom claim is the value contained in the LDAP attribute. For example, in Active Directory, there is an attribute called title on every user account. If the title had the value SOFTWARE DESIGN ENGINEER and it was mapped this to a corporate custom claim called Occupation, you would get a corporate custom claim with Name = Occupation and Value = SOFTWARE DESIGN ENGINEER at runtime.

Thread Safety

Any public static ( Shared in Visual Basic) members of this type are thread safe. Any instance members are not guaranteed to be thread safe.

See Also

System.Web.Security.SingleSignOn Namespace

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