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ClientCredentialInfo.AuthenticationMethodUri Property


Gets or sets the Uri of the authentication method to use.

Namespace:   System.Web.Security.SingleSignOn
Assembly:  System.Web.Security.SingleSignOn (in System.Web.Security.SingleSignOn.dll)


public Uri AuthenticationMethodUri { get; set; }
property Uri^ AuthenticationMethodUri {
    Uri^ get();
    void set(Uri^ value);
member AuthenticationMethodUri : Uri with get, set
Public Property AuthenticationMethodUri As Uri

Property Value

Type: System.Uri

This property must be set to the string form of the Uri which identifies the type of authentication credentials being presented. The built-in account stores (ActiveDirectoryAccountStore and LdapDirectoryAccountStore) contain a handle to the userNamePassword or to credentials that are based on transport layer security (TLS) client authorization, but custom account stores may handle other credential types.

See Also

ClientCredentialInfo Class
System.Web.Security.SingleSignOn Namespace

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