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CustomClaimTransformCollection.Insert Method (Int32, CustomClaimTransform)


Inserts an element into the CustomClaimTransformCollection at the specified index.

Namespace:   System.Web.Security.SingleSignOn
Assembly:  System.Web.Security.SingleSignOn (in System.Web.Security.SingleSignOn.dll)


public void Insert(
    int index,
    CustomClaimTransform value
void Insert(
    int index,
    CustomClaimTransform^ value
member Insert : 
        index:int *
        value:CustomClaimTransform -> unit
Public Sub Insert (
    index As Integer,
    value As CustomClaimTransform


  • index
    Type: System.Int32

    The zero-based index at which value should be inserted.

See Also

CustomClaimTransformCollection Class
System.Web.Security.SingleSignOn Namespace

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