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Manager insights FAQ


This article is for the legacy Workplace Analytics app and does not reflect functionality available on the updated Viva Insights platform. Access current documentation for Viva Insights advanced insights here: advanced insights documentation.

Q1 Which roles have access to manager insights in Viva Insights and Advanced insights?

Only managers granted access to the advanced insights app in Manager settings can see insights about their teams in Viva Insights in Teams and in the advanced insights app.

Q2 Who is included as a measured employee?

Measured employees include those who are assigned a Viva Insights license and are included in the reporting hierarchy that leads to you as their manager. This hierarchy is based on the latest available HR data uploaded into the advanced insights app by the admin.

Q3 Why is the number of measured employees different from my current number of direct and indirect reports?

The number of measured employees might be different because:

  • One or more of the employees on your team isn't assigned a Viva Insights license.
  • Or the latest available HR data uploaded into the advanced insights app didn't include the latest hierarchy or employee data.
Q4 Can I configure the time period or thresholds for the insights?

Currently, you can't configure settings for these insights. The current time period is the past six months.

Q5 Do the "Teams like yours" metrics account for organizational averages and minimum group size settings?

Teams like yours metrics use other teams in the same hierarchy that report to the manager's manager. If the team structure doesn't meet the minimum group size, the team's average isn't used or shown in the metrics.

Q6 Can I see insights for both direct and indirect reports?

While this capability is currently unavailable, it's planned for a future release.

Q7 Why are some employees in my team not eligible to enroll in plans?

Employees might not be eligible for a plan if:

  • They don't have Viva Insights enabled.
  • Are already enrolled in an existing plan.
  • The team doesn't meet the minimum group size limit.