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Returns the size of the array. Since indexes are zero-based, the size is 1 greater than the largest index.

The following table shows other member functions that are similar to CObArray::GetSize.

Class Member Function
CByteArray int GetSize( ) const;
CDWordArray int GetSize( ) const;
CPtrArray int GetSize( ) const;
CStringArray int GetSize( ) const;
CUIntArray int GetSize( ) const;
CWordArray int GetSize( ) const;


See CObList::CObList for a listing of the CAge class used in all collection examples.

CObArray myArray;

   // Add elements to the array.
   for (int i=0;i < 10;i++)
      myArray.Add( new CAge( i ) );

   // Add 100 to all the elements of the array.
   for (i=0;i < myArray.GetSize();i++)
      CAge*& pAge = (CAge*&) myArray.ElementAt(i);
      delete pAge;
      pAge = new CAge( 100+i );

#ifdef _DEBUG
    afxDump.SetDepth( 1 );
    afxDump << "myArray: " << &myArray << "\n";

CObArray OverviewClass MembersHierarchy Chart

See AlsoCObArray::GetUpperBound, CObArray::SetSize