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Call this method to set the default compose settings.

HRESULT SetDefaultComposeSettings( 
   LPCSTR szFontName = NULL, 
   unsigned short nFontSize = 3, 
   COLORREF crFontColor = 0xFF000000, 
   COLORREF crFontBgColor = 0xFF000000, 
   bool bBold = false, 
   bool bItalic = false, 
   bool bUnderline = false  
) const;


  • szFontName
    The font name.

  • nFontSize
    The font size.

  • crFontColor
    The font color.

  • crFontBgColor
    The font background color.

  • bBold
    Pass true for bold text.

  • bItalic
    Pass true for italic text.

  • bUnderline
    Pass true for underlined text.

Return Value

Returns S_OK on success, or an error HRESULT on failure.


This method sends the IDM_COMPOSESETTINGS command ID to the WebBrowser control.


Header: afxhtml.h

See Also


CHtmlEditCtrlBase Class