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How to: Create a Profiler Comparison Report from a Command Prompt

You can generate a Visual Studio Profiling Tools report that compares the performance data of two profiling data (.VSP /or .VSPS) files. The report shows shows the differences, performance regressions, and improvements that occurred from one profiling session to the other. The values in the report present the delta, or change, from the baseline of the first file that you specify. This delta is calculated by determining the difference between the old value, which is the baseline value, and the result value from the new analysis. Comparisons of profiler data can be based on the functions in the code, modules in the application, lines, instruction pointers (IPs), and types.

To list the identifiers of the comparison categories and fields, type the following command line:

VSPerfReport /querydifftables VspFileName1VspFileName2

Use the following syntax to create the comparison report:

VSPerfReport /diff VspFileName1VspFileName2 [**/**Options]

You can add options from the following table to the VSPerfReport /diff command line.




Disregard the difference if it is below this percentage threshold value. Also, new data with values that are below this threshold will not appear.


Use this table to compare files. By default, the functions table is used. Specify the identifier that is listed in VSPerfReport /querydifftables.


Use this column to compare values. By default, the exclusive samples percent column is used. Specify the identifier that is listed in VSPerfReport /querydifftables.