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IDBSchemaRowsetImpl Class

Provides implementation for schema rowsets.

template <class SessionClass>
class ATL_NO_VTABLE IDBSchemaRowsetImpl : public IDBSchemaRowset


  • SessionClass
    The class by which IDBSchemaRowsetImpl is inherited. Typically, this class will be the user's session class.




Checks the validity of restrictions against a schema rowset.


Implements a COM object creator function for the object specified by the template parameter.


Specifies which restrictions you support on a particular schema rowset.

Interface Methods


Returns a schema rowset.


Returns a list of schema rowsets accessible by IDBSchemaRowsetImpl::GetRowset.


This class implements the IDBSchemaRowset interface and the templatized creator function CreateSchemaRowset.

OLE DB uses schema rowsets to return data about the data in a provider. Such data is often called "metadata." By default, a provider must always support DBSCHEMA_TABLES, DBSCHEMA_COLUMNS, and DBSCHEMA_PROVIDER_TYPES, as described in IDBSchemaRowset in the OLE DB Programmer's Reference. Schema rowsets are designated in a schema map. For information about the schema map entries, see SCHEMA_ENTRY.

The OLE DB Provider Wizard, in the ATL Object Wizard, automatically generates code for the schema rowsets in your project. (By default, the wizard supports the mandatory schema rowsets previously mentioned.) When you create a consumer using the ATL Object Wizard, the wizard uses schema rowsets to bind the correct data to a provider. If you do not implement your schema rowsets to provide the correct metadata, the wizard will not bind the correct data.

For information on how to support schema rowsets in your provider, see Supporting Schema Rowsets.

For more information about schema rowsets, see Schema Rowsets in the OLE DB Programmer's Reference.


Header: atldb.h

See Also


Schema Rowset Classes and Typedef Classes


Supporting Schema Rowsets

Other Resources

IDBSchemaRowsetImpl Class Members