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DesignModeValueProvider.Properties Property

Gets the set of properties to capture.

Namespace:  Microsoft.Windows.Design.Model
Assembly:  Microsoft.Windows.Design.Interaction (in Microsoft.Windows.Design.Interaction.dll)


Public ReadOnly Property Properties As PropertyIdentifierCollection
public PropertyIdentifierCollection Properties { get; }
property PropertyIdentifierCollection^ Properties {
    PropertyIdentifierCollection^ get ();
member Properties : PropertyIdentifierCollection
function get Properties () : PropertyIdentifierCollection

Property Value

Type: Microsoft.Windows.Design.Model.PropertyIdentifierCollection
A PropertyIdentifierCollection that contains the set of properties to capture.

.NET Framework Security

See Also


DesignModeValueProvider Class

Microsoft.Windows.Design.Model Namespace

Other Resources

Walkthrough: Changing the Behavior of a Property at Design Time

How to: Change the Behavior of a Property at Design Time

WPF Designer Extensibility Architecture

Property Editing Architecture

Feature Providers and Feature Connectors