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ModelItemCollection.Insert Method (Int32, ModelItem)

When overridden in a derived class, inserts an item at the specified location.

Namespace:  Microsoft.Windows.Design.Model
Assembly:  Microsoft.Windows.Design.Interaction (in Microsoft.Windows.Design.Interaction.dll)


Public MustOverride Sub Insert ( _
    index As Integer, _
    item As ModelItem _
public abstract void Insert(
    int index,
    ModelItem item
virtual void Insert(
    int index, 
    ModelItem^ item
) abstract
abstract Insert : 
        index:int * 
        item:ModelItem -> unit 
public abstract function Insert(
    index : int, 
    item : ModelItem


  • index
    Type: System.Int32
    The index for the item to be inserted.


IList<T>.Insert(Int32, T)


If index is equal to Count, this method will insert the item at the end. If index is zero, this method will insert the item at the beginning.

To move an item, use the Move method.

.NET Framework Security

See Also


ModelItemCollection Class

Insert Overload

Microsoft.Windows.Design.Model Namespace

Other Resources

WPF Designer Extensibility Architecture