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PropertyValue.CatchExceptions Property

Gets a value indicating how to handle exceptions that occur during the get and set methods of the Value and StringValue properties.

Namespace:  Microsoft.Windows.Design.PropertyEditing
Assembly:  Microsoft.Windows.Design.Interaction (in Microsoft.Windows.Design.Interaction.dll)


Protected Overridable ReadOnly Property CatchExceptions As Boolean
protected virtual bool CatchExceptions { get; }
virtual property bool CatchExceptions {
    bool get ();
abstract CatchExceptions : bool
override CatchExceptions : bool
function get CatchExceptions () : boolean

Property Value

Type: System.Boolean
true if the exception should be caught; false if the exception should be propagated to the caller.


If CatchExceptions is true, the get and set methods of the Value and StringValue properties call OnPropertyValueException which raises the PropertyValueException handler.

By default, this property is true if there is at least one subscriber to the PropertyValueException event.

.NET Framework Security

See Also


PropertyValue Class

Microsoft.Windows.Design.PropertyEditing Namespace



Other Resources

WPF Designer Extensibility

Property Editing Architecture