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Call this member function to make the previous record in the recordset the current record.

void MovePrev( );


It is recommended that you call IsBOF before you attempt to move to the previous record. A call to MovePrev will throw a CDaoException if IsBOF returns nonzero, indicating either that you have already scrolled before the first record or that no records were selected by the recordset.


Calling any of the Move functions throws an exception if the recordset has no records. In general, call both IsBOF and IsEOF before a Move operation to determine whether the recordset has any records. After you call Open or Requery, call either IsBOF or IsEOF.


If you call any of the Move functions while the current record is being updated or added, the updates are lost without warning.

Use the Move functions to move from record to record without applying a condition. Use the Find operations to locate records in a dynaset-type or snapshot-type recordset object that satisfy a certain condition. To locate a record in a table-type recordset object, call Seek.

If the recordset refers to a table-type recordset, movement follows the table's current index. You can set the current index by using the Index property of the underlying DAO object. If you do not set the current index, the order of returned records is undefined.

You cannot call the MoveFirst or MovePrev member function with a forward-only scrolling snapshot.

To move the position of the current record in a recordset object a specific number of records forward or backward, call Move.

For related information, see the topics "Move Method" and "MoveFirst, MoveLast, MoveNext, MovePrevious Methods" in DAO Help.


Header: afxdao.h

See Also


CDaoRecordset Class

Hierarchy Chart





Other Resources

CDaoRecordset Members