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Options, ATL Control Wizard

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Use this page of the wizard to define the type of control you are creating and the level of interface support it contains.


If you are using this wizard with a device project, see Wizard Options for Options, ATL Control Wizard.

  • Control type
    The kind of control you want to create.

    • Standard control: An ActiveX control.

    • Composite control: An ActiveX control that can contain (similar to a dialog box) other ActiveX controls or Windows controls. A composite control includes the following:

      • A template for the dialog box that implements the composite control.

      • A custom resource, REGISTRY, which automatically registers the composite control when invoked.

      • A C++ class that implements the composite control.

      • A COM interface, exposed by the composite control.

      • An HTML test page containing the composite control.

      By default, this control sets CComControlBase::m_bWindowOnly to true, to indicate that this is a windowed control. It implements a sink map. For more information, see ATL Support for DHTML Controls.

    • DHTML control: An ATL DHTML control specifies the user interface, using HTML. The DHTML UI class contains a COM map. By default, this control sets CComControlBase::m_bWindowOnly to true, to indicate that this is a windowed control.

      For more information, see Identifying the Elements of the DHTML Control Project.

  • Minimal control
    Supports only the interfaces that are absolutely needed by most containers. You can set Minimal control for any of the control types: you can create a minimal standard control, a minimal composite control, or a minimal DHTML control.

  • Aggregation
    Adds aggregation support for the control you are creating. For more information, see Aggregation.

    • Yes: Create a control that can be aggregated.

    • No: Create a control that cannot be aggregated.

    • Only: Create a control that can only be instantiated through aggregation.

  • Threading model
    Specifies that the threading model used by the control.

    • Single: The control will run only in the primary COM thread.

    • Apartment: The control can be created in any single thread apartment. The default.

  • Interface
    The type of interface this control exposes to the container.

    • Dual: Creates an interface that exposes properties and methods through IDispatch and directly through the VTBL.

    • Custom: Creates an interface that exposes methods directly through a VTBL.

      If you select Custom, then you can specify that the control is Automation compatible. If you select Automation compatible, then the wizard adds the oleautomation attribute to the interface in the IDL, and the interface can be marshaled by the universal marshaler in oleaut32.dll. See Marshaling Details in the Windows SDK for more information.

      Additionally, if you select Automation compatible, then all parameters for all methods in the control must be VARIANT compatible.

  • Support
    Sets additional miscellaneous support for the control.

    • Connection points: Enables connection points for your object by making your object's class derive from IConnectionPointContainerImpl and allowing it to expose a source interface.

    • Licensed: Adds support to the control for licensing. Licensed controls can only be hosted if the client machine has the correct license.

See Also


ATL Control Wizard