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Adding an ATL Active Server Page Component

To add an Active Template Library (ATL) object to your project, your project must have been created as an ATL COM application or as an MFC application that contains ATL support. You can use the ATL Project Wizard to create an ATL application, you can select Add ATL Support to MFC from the Add Class Dialog Box dialog box, or you can add an ATL object to your MFC application to implement ATL support for an MFC application.

Active Server Pages components are part of the Internet Information Services architecture, which provides the following advanced Web development features:

  • You can embed ASP components into your HTML pages to create dynamic, browser-independent content.

  • You can use ASP pages to provide standards-based database connectivity.

  • You can use the ASP error-handling capabilities for your Web-based applications.

To add an ATL Active Server Pages component to your project

  1. In either Solution Explorer or Class View, right-click the name of the project to which you want to add the ATL Active Server Pages component.

  2. From the shortcut menu, click Add, and then click Add Class.

  3. In the Add Class dialog box, in the Templates pane, click ATL Active Server Page Component, and then click Open to display the ATL Active Server Page Component Wizard.

See Also


Adding a New Interface in an ATL Project

Adding Connection Points to an Object

Adding a Method

Adding an MFC Class

Adding a Generic C++ Class


Adding a Class