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lock::operator bool

Operator for using lock in a conditional expression.

operator bool();

Return Value

true if a lock is held, false otherwise.


This operator actually converts to _detail_class::_safe_bool which is safer than bool because it cannot be converted to an integral type.


This example uses a single instance of a class across multiple threads. The class uses a lock on itself to ensure that accesses to its internal data are consistent for each thread. The main application thread uses a lock on the same instance of the class to periodically check to see if any worker threads still exist, and waits to exit until all worker threads have completed their tasks.

// msl_lock_op_bool.cpp
// compile with: /clr
#include <msclr/lock.h>

using namespace System;
using namespace System::Threading;
using namespace msclr;

ref class CounterClass {
   int Counter;   

   property int ThreadCount;

   // function called by multiple threads, use lock to keep Counter consistent
   // for each thread
   void UseCounter() {
      try {
         lock l(this); // wait infinitely

         Console::WriteLine("In thread {0}, Counter = {1}", Thread::CurrentThread->ManagedThreadId, 

         for (int i = 0; i < 10; i+) {
         Console::WriteLine("In thread {0}, Counter = {1}", Thread::CurrentThread->ManagedThreadId, 

         Counter = 0;
         // lock is automatically released when it goes out of scope and its destructor is called
      catch (...) {
         Console::WriteLine("Couldn't acquire lock!");


int main() {
   // create a few threads to contend for access to the shared data
   CounterClass^ cc = gcnew CounterClass;
   array<Thread^>^ tarr = gcnew array<Thread^>(5);
   ThreadStart^ startDelegate = gcnew ThreadStart(cc, &CounterClass::UseCounter);
   for (int i = 0; i < tarr->Length; i+) {
      tarr[i] = gcnew Thread(startDelegate);

   // keep our main thread alive until all worker threads have completed
   lock l(cc, lock_later); // don't lock now, just create the object
   while (true) {
      l.try_acquire(50); // try to acquire lock, don't throw an exception if can't
      if (l) { // use bool operator to check for lock
         if (0 == cc->ThreadCount) {
            Console::WriteLine("All threads completed.");
            break; // all threads are gone, exit while
         else {
            Console::WriteLine("{0} threads exist, continue waiting...", cc->ThreadCount);
            l.release(); // some threads exist, let them do their work

In thread 3, Counter = 0 In thread 3, Counter = 10 In thread 5, Counter = 0 In thread 5, Counter = 10 In thread 7, Counter = 0 In thread 7, Counter = 10 In thread 4, Counter = 0 In thread 4, Counter = 10 In thread 6, Counter = 0 In thread 6, Counter = 10 All threads completed.


Header file <msclr\lock.h>

Namespace msclr

See Also



Other Resources

lock Members