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Deallocates the temporary memory that was allocated using the get_temporary_buffer template function.

template<class Type> 
   void return_temporary_buffer( 
      Type* _Pbuf 


  • _Pbuf
    A pointer to the memory to be deallocated.


This function should only be used for memory that is temporary.


// memory_ret_temp_buf.cpp
// compile with: /EHsc
#include <memory>
#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int main( )
   // Create an array of ints
   int intArray [ ] = { 10, 20, 30, 40, 100, 200, 300 };
   int count = sizeof ( intArray ) / sizeof ( int );
   cout << "The number of integers in the array is: " 
         << count << "." << endl;

   pair<int *, ptrdiff_t> resultPair;
   resultPair = get_temporary_buffer<int>( count );

   cout << "The number of elements that the allocated memory\n"
         << " could store is given by: resultPair.second = " 
         << resultPair.second << "." << endl;

   int* tempBuffer = resultPair.first;

   // Deallocates memory allocated with get_temporary_buffer
   return_temporary_buffer ( tempBuffer );

The number of integers in the array is: 7. The number of elements that the allocated memory could store is given by: resultPair.second = 7.


Header: <memory>

Namespace: std

See Also

Other Resources

<memory> Members