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The framework calls this method to retrieve the full path of the WinHelp file that is associated with the specified object and the identifier of the appropriate topic in that file.

virtual HRESULT get_accHelpTopic(
   BSTR *pszHelpFile,
   VARIANT varChild,
   long *pidTopic


  • [in] pszHelpFile
    Address of a BSTR that receives the full path of the WinHelp file that is associated with the specified object, if any.

  • [in] varChild
    Specifies whether the Help topic to be retrieved is that of the object or one of the child elements of the object. This parameter can be either CHILDID_SELF (to obtain a Help topic for the object) or a child ID (to obtain a Help topic for one of the child elements of the object).

  • [in] pidTopic
    Identifies the Help file topic that is associated with the specified object.

Return Value

CBasePane does not implement this method. Therefore, CBasePane::get_accHelpTopic always returns S_FALSE.


This function is part of the Active Accessibility support in MFC. Override this function in a derived class to provide help information about your object.


Header: afxbasepane.h

See Also


MFC Hierarchy Chart


CBasePane Class