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ListView.Height Property (2007 System)

Gets or sets the height of the ListView.

Namespace:  Microsoft.Office.Tools.Word.Controls
Assembly:  Microsoft.Office.Tools.Word.v9.0 (in Microsoft.Office.Tools.Word.v9.0.dll)


Public Property Height As Single
Dim instance As ListView 
Dim value As Single 

value = instance.Height

instance.Height = value
public float Height { get; set; }
property float Height {
    float get ();
    void set (float value);
public function get Height () : float 
public function set Height (value : float)

Property Value

Type: System.Single
The height of the ListView in points.


Changes made to the Height and Top property values cause the Bottom property value of the ListView to change.

The ListView.Height property uses points, whereas Control.Height property uses pixels.


For a code example that demonstrates how to use this property, see Button.Height. All controls in the Microsoft.Office.Tools.Word.Controls namespace have a functionally equivalent Height property.

.NET Framework Security

See Also


ListView Class

ListView Members

Microsoft.Office.Tools.Word.Controls Namespace