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Returns the docking pane that contains the specified point.

CBasePane* PaneFromPoint(
   CPoint point,
   int nSensitivity,
   bool bExactBar,
   CRuntimeClass* pRTCBarType 
) const;
CBasePane* PaneFromPoint(
   CPoint point,
   int nSensitivity,
   DWORD& dwAlignment,
   CRuntimeClass* pRTCBarType 
) const;


  • [in] point
    The point (in screen coordinates).

  • [in] nSensitivity
    The window rectangle of each checked pane is enlarged in all directions by this value.

  • [in] bExactBar
    If TRUE, the nSensitivity parameter is ignored.

  • [in] pRTCBarType
    If non-NULL, the method iterates over only the panes of the specified type.

  • [out] dwAlignment
    If a pane is found, this parameter will specify which side of the pane is closest to the specified point.

Return Value

A pointer to a docking pane, or NULL if no control contains the point specified by point.


The call is redirected to the CDockingManager Class. See CDockingManager::PaneFromPoint for more information.


Header: afxMDIFrameWndEx.h

See Also


MFC Hierarchy Chart


CMDIFrameWndEx Class